Ethiopia, WB sign USD 300 mln credit for water, sanitation

ADDIS ABABA– Ethiopia and World Bank (WB) signed grant USD 300 million IDA credit agreement yesterday to support Ethiopia’s efforts to ensure safe water supply and sanitation services, which benefits over three million people.

Minister of Finance, Ahmed Shide said on the occasion that, the project aims to increase safe water supply, sanitation and hygiene services and strengthen capacity for water resource management and service delivery.

The financing agreement was for the one wash consolidated water supply, sanitation and hygiene amounted $ USD 300 million in the form of concessional credit from the WB. The government of Ethiopia continues strive to improve the wellbeing of the Ethiopian society supported through country wide strategy.

The project is expected to directly benefit approximately three million people through the provision of safe water supply services, of which 1.9 million will also gain access to safe sanitation facilities in newly selected project areas, Ahmed noted.

World Bank Country Director for Ethiopia, Sudan and South Sudan Carolyn Turk said that, Ethiopia has made significant progress in increasing access to water supply and sanitation services in the past ten years, but much remains to be done.

Access and quality of services for water supply and sanitation as per the GTPII standard requires continued attention. Water quality is a serious issue in Ethiopia. Not only does it compromise the health of Ethiopians, it also impacts development efforts in the sector, she noted.

The project will contribute to the government flagship program the one wash national program (OWNP) and the project will continue to strengthen the government’s integrated implementation of WASH activities. The one WASH-CWA will support investments in both rural and urban settings consistent with achieving the OWNP and sustainable development goals.

This project is continuation of the WB steadfast support to the sector. Over the last decade, the government has provided 52 million people with improved drinking water sources of which over 10 million were supported through WB financing. Over the same period rates of open defecation fell by 63 percent, which was the largest decrease observed in the world, Turk stressed.

Finally, Ahmed said that, the government of Ethiopia appreciates the WBs commitment and continued supports through its substantial financial support to Ethiopia’s development efforts.

The Ethiopian Herald June 22/2019


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