From “Who rules the World?” to “Who Messes up the World!”

 Ephrem Endale


 I got this from some humor websites. “I’ll make a new suit for you,” agreed an overworked tailor, “but it won’t be ready for six weeks.”

“Six weeks!” protested the customer. “Why, the Lord created the entire world in six days.”

‘True,” said the tailor. “And have you taken a good look at it lately?”

It is the classic case of shifting the blame. “It’s them not us!” many times our blame-shifting goes all the way to Him as there are too few targets left on this planet of ours.

Yes, the world is in a one hell of a mess. After all the so-called global media aren’t as fair as we would have liked them to be. We don’t know which so-called global media we could believe. More and more it’s becoming evident that all the so-called giants of the media are talking about is war, war and more war. The Ukraine mayhem is getting worse by the hour and instead of trying to talk about peace being the only way out they are drumming up the next big war of the mighty in Southeast Asia. In fact the predications and the narratives of experts of all kinds we are edging closer to the III World War. We’re told the scriptures support the claims as the End Times are drawing nearer.

The filthy rich, more of Hollywood type preachers of many faiths are doing their best to make a cash cow out of the End Times narrative. But I can tell you something would surely end somewhere down the line…the public’s trust of the so-called  global media. Gone are the days when what they is accepted as the truth, the whole truth nothing but the truth! One positive thing the social media brought us is the fact that there’s nothing these days you can twist as you like and go away with it.

What about peace talks. Remember in our case it was “Sit down and talk or else…” When Fox dumped Tucker Carlson himself of all people you know that something is always brewing in the board rooms. Some say he was shown the red card because he opposed the war in Ukraine. Of course there are powerful forces who want that war to continue. You don’t have to be a …to suspect that. Just listen to what everybody is saying.

 Listening to all the tough-talk from all sides we should be pardoned for thinking that this world is indeed in a real mess. Large sections of mankind don’t seem to be thinking about a better world. For a better world to be a reality flexing the brain cells must be more important than flexing military muscle, don’t you think? Look at the AI technology which initially carried all the hopes of a world with less and less problems. But now even the very man described as ‘the Godfather of AI” recently voiced his worries. The catch here is AI was initially a military project. That says it all. It seems that the AI is being geared for more destruction rather than stitching up a world which is cracking all over the place. If you  really think about it, yes it’s scary. They are telling us that the prospect of a World War III is not about it breaking out or not but when the shot that would ring around the world would be heard.

By the way, no wonder many are having second thoughts about AI as they see how it’s being misused. But then for all good intentions and purposes the world needs it. Properly used it could help in solving many of the ills of this world. Why are some sides so adamant to turn it into some weapon which human kind would be scared of. “What AI! It could be our demise.” Why are people forced to come to such conclusions? The human machine is malfunctioning; that’s for sure. Whatever the amount of blame shifting, the human machine is behind all things. After all the AI didn’t spring out of nowhere but is a product of the human machine.

 This is a world where what happens somewhere affects every corner; the only difference is the magnitude of the effect. Why are many circles especially in the West trying to lengthen the Ukraine war rather than looking for a quick all-inclusive solution?? Why? Why isn’t peace in the forefront of many of the narratives about the suffering of people in that part of the world! Thinking of the Ukraine war as something happening in a far off place is a sorry mistake. So we surf the net in search of the latest as to  what is happening there. The problem is which side are we to believe. The same event has different opposing narratives depending from which side they come.

 Calling for the destruction of a nation and its people, something a certain number of politicians, so-called analysts and ‘correspondents’ calling are doing is inhumanity unrivalled. The main issue now is the much-anticipated counter offensive the Ukrainians would be launching. You’d know that such a military campaigned would be insanely bloody and the overall destruction and loss of human lives would be colossal. To make it sound that it would be an easy “Bang bang, you’re dead!” affair is not only dangerous an unpardonable sin too. After all there is always the other side and they wouldn’t be sitting on their hands while all this is happening.

 In an interview where he said the counter offensive would be successful, the Ukrainian leader said launching a counteroffensive now “…we’d lose a lot of people. I think that’s unacceptable.” That’s it. The global media, if it’s really interested in seeing peace reigning in that country after so much suffering and millions of Ukrainians returning to their country, it should have been genuine enough to write and say the loss of life is unacceptable. Yes, it’s a very weird and inconsiderate world.

Yes, this world is in a deep mess, and it seems to be submerging even deeper.


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