Gov’t to support honey testing labs’ establishment

ADDIS ABABA – The Ethiopian Agricultural Agency signed yesterday a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Ministry of Trade and Industry to support the establishment of quality testing laboratories for honey.

State Minister of Ministry of Trade and Industry Eshete Asfaw and CEO of Agricultural Transformation Agency (ATA) Khalid Bomba signed the accord that has been said to benefit public and private enterprises.

The agreement will provide a partnership framework for ATA and MoTI to provide financial and technical support to selected enterprises to establish and upgrade internationally accredited quality testing laboratories for honey; it was said at the event.

ATA’s CEO, Khalid Bomba, after the signing of the MoU, said that the ATA and the Ministry have been collaborating and working together on a number of projects. This particular partnership will help establish internationally recognized honey testing labs.

To him, this will positively impact markets as well as production and productivity of honey processors in the country through creating convenience to the export market.

“The support for quality testing laboratories will also have a direct effect on smallholder farmers engaged in beekeeping, as an increase in the volume of export will in turn increase their income and overall livelihoods.”

 The State Minister said on his part said that capacitating the quality testing labs through helping them to acquire the right technology and getting their services accredited will play an important role in order to build a sustainable value chain in export of honey from Ethiopia.

“These labs will be capable of providing accredited and globally recognized tests in an accurate, timely and cost- competitive manner for national honey exporters,” he added.

The Ethiopian Herald June 21/2019


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