Institute toiling to improve export performances

ADDIS ABABA – Ethiopian Meat and Dairy Industry Development Institute (EMDIDI) said that it is endeavoring to improve animal product export performances through advancing laboratories and capacitating investors.

The institute is working to strengthening the existing laboratories and building new ones to improve quality testing of exportable animal products, EMDIDI Deputy Director General Taddese Guta told The Ethiopian Herald.

As to him, the institute laboratories are supportive in the process of quality measuring systems in various dairy chemistry and microbiological measures. There are also doctors who certify the quality or wellbeing of the meat measuring through post and anti mortem testing. Therefore, the EMDIDI is working to strengthened the labs by equipped them with latest technology, he said.

In addition, the institute is set to construct meat testing laboratories in collaboration with the government of China. However, until the construction of the new lab, the institute is conducting the testing process under existing laboratories to ensure meat processing through the quarantine system, he stated.

In relation to capacitating sector private owners, Taddese said EMDIDI has been supporting them through providing updated market information at local and international level. It is working with the private owners in equipping them with knowledge of the trade and the timely condition of the global market, he noted.

EMDIDI gives various trainings to the producers in order to ensure the knowhow of quality improvement especially in the process of producing meat, milk and honey among other exportable animal products, he told.

According to him, the institute also gives the needed attention whether the meat processing is passing through halal certification or not as most of the importing countries are Arabian [Islamic] nations.

 It invites the producers to participate on various local and international exhibitions that involve experienced industries in the area. “This would help our industries to draw lesson and understand the sector timely situation in the global arena.”

Returning from the exhibitions the producers are expected to improve their productivity both in quality and quantity. They might also bring additional investment to the country through joint venture or other business, he stated.

In addition, they will also get the chance to introduce with new international partners that they can trustfully send their products in tit-for-tat way, according to the Deputy Director General.

The overall efforts are to improve quality and export thereby the nation would get the desired benefit from its large animal resources, he underlined. The six month report of the institute indicated that the country has earned 48.1 million USD from animal product export.

The Ethiopian Herald, June 18/2019


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