Ethiopian online tourists booking system to be operational

Guzo Go new online tourists booking platform will be operational in the near future, expert from the company announced.

Guzo Go Founder and General Manager Bersufekad Getachew told The Ethiopian Herald that Guzo Go online booking platform owned by will go officially operational within the coming one month. The system is made in Ethiopia and run by Ethiopian sector professionals, he added.

“Almost we have finalized all the necessary preconditions; finalized agreements with international financial institutions and larger banks, all airliners, all star rate hotels throughout the country are signing up to our service. Hence it will commence services soon. We are working to launch secured online tourists booking website that entertain all travelers from all over the world”.

Despite, being the richest and leading African country with tourism potentials and UNESCO registered world heritages, the country earns lower due to the lack of latest technological applications to facilitate the tourism sector, he said.

“Now we are able to develop and accomplish this new platform that will definitely change the scenario, fill the gap and transform the country’s tourism into digital. Any international and domestic tourist will entertain the chance to discover Ethiopia simply in a single system and access all tourist services; hotel, flight, car rent, tour packages, among others”, he noted.

As to him, lead by its motto go smart, spend less the platform [Guzo Go] will deliver hotel services in all (nine) states of the country, all inbound and outbound [international] flights with a wide-variety of airlines, from small cars to people carriers online car rent and wide variety of tour packages access to every corner of Ethiopia.

The Ethiopian Herald, June 16/2019


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