Horn heads to new era of cooperation, solidarity : Lencho Leta

The ending of the state of war between Ethiopia and Eritrea and Ethiopia’s leading role in restoring Eritrea and Somalia diplomatic ties have transformed the Horn of Africa from hostilities to peace and economic integration, a veteran politician and Chairperson of the Oromo Democratic Front (ODF), Lencho Leta said. Speaking to The Ethiopian Herald, the politician noted that Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed’s bold steps to approach the Eritrean and Somalian governments herald the new era of peace and economic partnership in the Horn of Africa, the region that was characterized by rampant border conflicts, hostilities and being stronghold of terrorist and militant groups.

Ethiopia is the center of the Horn of Africa and shares borders and communities with both Eritrea and Somalia, Lencho said, adding that PM Abiy’s efforts to put the country in solid democratic stability revitalize the enormous economic partnership Ethiopia and Eritrea were enjoyed in the immediate post-Derg period. He stated that rapprochement with Eritrea further brings massive opportunities for Ethiopia, a landlocked country with fast growing economy and large population, in satisfying its quest of getting additional access to the Red Sea.

Eritrean ports are viable options to Ethiopia’s ever-increasing demand for port service which has been triggered by the ongoing mega projects and the rising local demand for imports of industrial commodities.

Similar relationship cultivated with Somalia also ensures Ethiopia’s goal to expand port alternatives as the strategic role of ports cannot be underestimated as Ethiopia strives to sustain the economic momentum and move steps ahead to join the club of middle- income countries, Lencho added.

According to the chairman, Horn states need to establish a region-wide institution that could facilitate the sharing of port facilities on a fair basis for the benefit of their people and economies at large. Stating the exemplary relationship Ethiopia and Eritrea entertained in 1991-1998 suddenly unravel, Lencho noted that Ethiopia’s coming back to peaceful processes and relationship with its neighbors should be codified with treaties and institutions that put the resolution in solid base.

He pointed out that the three countries need to establish institutions that asses, ratify, embrace and protect agreements. “Relationships that are based on individual loves and hates are easy to be unravel and institutionallyembedded relationships have the better opportunity to correct themselves, to avoid war and to sustain the momentum.” Noting the need of supporting Somalia’s federal government in the fight against radical elements, the politician called on the government of Ethiopia to extend its engagement in checking the activities of Al-Shabaab and pacifying the region in the bid to materialize the vision for peaceful and prosperous Horn of Africa.

The Ethiopian Herald, December 18/2018

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