Ramadan : A season of mercy and forgiveness

Ramadan is one of the 12 months of the Islamic calendar and the month in which fasting is made obligatory by the Holy Quran. Fasting the Ramadan season is the most important of the basic instructions of Islam, and whoever is able to do so; A healthy person has to fast. Fasting is compulsory for adults. This is a fast that takes place from dawn to sunset. In general, fasting is obligatory because it is the basis of faith.

The fasting of Ramadan showcases our obedience to the Creator, where we show loyalty, compassion and forgiveness. Especially during the past few months, the faults expressed in our words and actions; It is a spiritual training center where we remember the actions that deviated from the Creator, the behaviors of defiance, and the ungodly actions we have committed against people. Therefore, if there are mistakes made by individuals to the country, it is time to look back and take corrective actions.

Ramadan is a month of mercy. This means that we depend on each other for help, it is a season of support. Especially that of togetherness, support each other. Helping is one of the characteristics of Ethiopians. The month of Ramadan is when the Muslim community gives the zaka (tithe) which is the duty of the faith. It is known that anyone who can afford it gives Zaka. It is expected of every Muslim to perform this good deed, especially in the month of Ramadan.

 All Muslims try to do good deeds all the time and to elevate such noble acts during holy month of Ramadan. In connection with this year’s Ramadan, the Council said that all Muslims have a responsibility to help the needy. Currently, we are facing challenges due to natural and man-made hazards. So we need to be cooperative with each other to cope up with challenges and to build resilience. The drought we have faced this year also highly demands our cooperation. We are lucky to receive the 1,444th Ramadan month. This holy month is a month of charity and collaboration.”

Ethiopian Islamic Affairs Supreme Council

The Ethiopian Herald March 25/2023

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