A sooner than later task

These days, countries are taking their battlefields to cyber stations. And hackers are using sophisticated means to intercept extremely classified data that could put countries’ national interests at risk. The growing problems are even posing tremendous national threats to powerful nations thought to have strong counter mechanisms.

In Ethiopia, according to Information Network Security Agency (INSA) of Ethiopia was hit by 256 grand cyber attacks in the first six months of 2016/17.

Lately, Safety Detective’s research lab discovered a leak online regarding the Ethiopian National Security Agency (INSA). The hackers managed to easily scrape a few hundred of INSA agents’ email addresses and passwords, allowing them to potentially log in to INSA’s email server (and personal emails using the same credentials).

According to the claim hackers could so easily hack a security agency – and the Ethiopian INSA especially – is alarming, what was even worse was that the passwords we discovered in use by INSA were basic (and hackable) beyond belief.

In a statement, INSA has refuted the claim saying leaked documents were previously stolen by individuals who resigned their posts due to political reforms in the country. Despite this claims, experts pointed out the need to increase national capacity such INSA that monitors and intercepts all Ethiopian citizens’ communication, in an attempt to ‘safeguard the country’s information and information structures.

In fact, the scale of the threat is also requiring global alliance. It was reported by many international mainstream media that even the world’s powerful nations, the US and Russia have been in talks to form cyber security unit to repulsing attacks from the Internet.

Banks and other financial institutions and ministry of finance and economic cooperation are on top lists of cyber attackers. These key institutions need to be well secured and protected from possible attacks.

On previous interview with The Ethiopian Herald, despite the threat, surprisingly and ironically, except INSA , all states and the above mentioned institutions do not have cyber security system said , Ezedin Abdu Adem another IT specialist.

So far, the threats are not coming from local attackers, but it is inevitable that local hackers may try to breach into the data system of various institutions as of time. The damages caused could appear to be lesser currently as local hackers are not many and use unsophisticated system. But their threat could higher in the future. Hence the country must prepare ahead.

“It is then a time for the country to secure its cyber system supported by well trained software engineers. If the country’s various financial companies are said to be digitized , they have to have first cyber security system.”

In what could be said a far-sighted decsiison as more institutions would move to increasingly digital system, last year , Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed said that the country should establish cyber military force to prevent cyber attacks.

The country’s plan to install cyber security force is a wise and timely decision he says stressing need for empowering learning institutions to produce trained and efficient cyber security professionals. The field is not yet open.

Cyber security should receive adequate fund and resources to empower the professionals and match growing cyber hackers’ skill and breaching capability. Cyber attacks can result in complete system failure, attackers can destroy steal data, said Ezedin.

Cyber attack is real and imminent only to intensify in the country with the expansion of digital services and hackers, says Mihret Tesfaye said an IT expert she adds there are hackers and attackers primarily targeting telecommunication, financial institutions and security. Ethiopia’s plan to set up cyber force is a timely and right move.

Cyber security targets to deny access to unauthorized persons injecting virus and falsified information and destroying important data as well as invading private and classified info. Hackers can put national security in grave danger, as to Mihret.

With growing digitalization of sectors, cyber attack is expected to pose a looming threat. And key institutions as observed so far are the most risked one with significant classified and relevant information.

Hence, it time for the country to expedite the establishment of cyber force and organize institutions that would produce trained man power with modern technologies and skills to contain attacks.

To make this reality, global cooperation is so crucial. The threat affects governments across the globe; hence Ethiopia can join forces with partner countries to strengthen its cyber security. As it is no different from physical boarder issue in which countries work together to ensure better security, cyber defense could also be enhanced with cooperation and partnerships.

The Ethiopian Herald June 7/2019


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