Love precedes religion

Like other religion, Islam is founded with the principles of living in harmony peace, tolerance, compassion and love. In this regard, the month of Ramadan has special meaning for Muslims. It signifies the month of compassion and love for Muslims and their Christian brothers and sisters as well.

In an exclusive interview with The Ethiopian Herald, Ethiopian Ulema, Fatwa and Da’awa Council President, Mufti Hajji Omar Idris said that the month of Ramadan is special. It is the time where Muslim brothers and sisters express their love and compassion to others. It is a time where ‘the haves’ understand the suffering of the ‘have-nots’ and stretch their hands to help them.

Ethiopia is now in a new chapter where love, tolerance and compassion are being preached and practiced from top to down level.

He said: “Love and tolerance are our identity. Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed is taking the lead in this regard. His decisiveness to create peace among religious leader, pardoning prisoners and other compassionate moves are good signs of love to the new Ethiopia.”

Komos Aba Yohannes Worku, Lecturer at Saint Trinity Theology College on his part said that, love and tolerance are the two sides of a single coin. Irrespective of their religious and cultural differences Ethiopian Muslims and Christians have showed their strong bondage several times.

Religion does not prevent them from sharing their value systems together. The joy of a Muslim Ethiopian is the joy of Christian family as well. They are accustomed to live in tolerance and respecting one another. This is witnessed several times.

On his part, Beza International Church, Pastor Zerubabel Betemengistu said that love is the foundation of all godly actions. It precedes religion. Where there is love, there is peace and tolerance.

When people develop a sense of love, tolerance and respect among each other, hatred would lose its ground. Love is the most powerful weapon to defeat all forms of challenges.

Ethiopian Christians and Muslims are accustomed with the art of tolerance. Despite religious difference love is always there.

Congratulating Ethiopian Muslims celebrating Eid al-Fitr Prime Minister Dr Abiy Ahmed has called on the Muslim community to cement their unity.

According to him, the unity of the Muslim community is decisive to deal with Ethiopia’s problems and reach a level of happiness. Ethiopia needs the unity of the Muslims now more than ever before

The Ethiopian Herald June 5/2019


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