Committee contributes 37,000 pound for water hyacinth removal

ADDIS ABABA- Ethiopian Diaspora Community in Europe has contributed 37,000 pound to support the campaign being waged to get rid of the water hyacinth, which engulfed Tana Lake, the committee announced.

Speaking to The Ethiopian Herald, Solomon Kiberet (PhD), Chairperson of the Community said that the contribution is part of the Diaspora’s involvement for its country of origin. The committee it will step up its support for Tana and other projects.

‘‘The Diaspora community has taken initiation in forming committee, which mobilizes Ethiopians to contribute for Lake Tana under threat. The committee has been striving day and night to collect the money,’’ he stated.

He added that they would maximize their support for tasks under way to innovate effective machineries and further research endeavors that could eliminate the water hyacinth.
Solomon stressed that the weed has to be arrested before it spreads to other iconic lakes of the country.
‘‘We understood how much dangerous the weed is. We are running out of time before we control it. It should be stopped in Tana. It could easily spread out to other Ethiopian lakes unless Ethiopians find solution as soon as possible.’’
Besides, awareness creation works should be done among the society to show the enormity of the threat, Solomon underlined.

Tiegist Negusu, an Ethiopian who lives in Europe for her part said the community should find the right machine that could remove the weed so as to motivate others to play their part.

‘‘Ethiopian Diasporas have been playing decisive role in supporting the economy of their country through generating remittance. Beyond this, they have been active in social affairs. The contribution for Lake Tana is part of it. We will step up it for the wellbeing of our country,’’ she insisted.

December 16/2018


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