As different books put it poetry, the highest form of literature, influences us because it shows different shades of human beings. In fact, poetry is one of the most ancient arts and also the product of human imagination. It expresses different feelings such as friendship, love, death and other human emotions. In literature, poetry stands first even today because poetry has such power to influence this world.
Poetry still dominates other forms of literature such as novel, drama, short story etc. Poetry has been in existence since ages. Poems from the ancient historical eras give us a glimpse of the previous generations, right from depicting historical events to the primeval lifestyles. The thoughts and feelings of the oldies are depicted to us. What was considered beautiful, important or even profound, is clearly stated to us through those poems.
Ethiopia’s fertile womb relents not from bringing forth dear sons and daughters that quench its thirst for enchanting poets. The country is a mother to poets that run the gamut from veterans to emerging ones.
Ethiopian poetry comprises of one of the many unique and amazing secrets held dearly by the people of Ethiopia. We are all aware of how little is known by non-Ethiopians about the countless rich and varied aspects of Ethiopian life.
Senait Gebrehiwot is one the recently rising poets here in the medium of English and known for her fascinating and sweet poetry. She was born and brought up in Addis Ababa. A bit shy of 30, poet Senait Gebrehiwot has a great passion for penning down poems. She has been contributing different poems and also articles for The Ethiopian Herald. This journalist had a short and brief stay with Senait regarding her talent and inspirations in writing poems.
Who is Senait Gebrehiwot?
Senait : I was born in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. I am 29 years old. I have a great passion in writing poetry and articles. I write articles and poems on websites like I am now doing my master’s program in English language at Addis Ababa University.
What inspires you to write poems? What are the major contents of your poems? When did you start writing poems?
Senait : I am inspired by my inner emotions when I write poems. Writing poems is a means by which I express my feelings and my observations. My poems are mainly based on human feelings, emotions, and interactions among people and with nature. I had a passion in writing since I was a little girl but I started writing poems in a more formal way 10 years ago.
Do you have your own style? Do you have a role model?
Senait : I don’t look to any reference points or how other poets write their poems. I just write my inner deep feelings in a rhythmical way. I usually write short poems because I can capture my idea in them. However, I appreciate writers like the renowned Ethiopian poet, Dr. Kebede Michael and the American poet, Maya Angelou.
Do parents, friends and readers encourage you in your journey of writing poems?
Senait : Yes many people who read my poems and writing encourage me a lot especially my mother, Meheret Getachew gives me unconditional support and encourages me in my career.
Do you have plans to make articles out of the poems which you contributed to herald?
Senait : Yes I do have a plan to do so.
Some people say we don’t like poetry! What is your take on this?
Senait : Well, it all depends on their personal interest. But, I think if the poems are authentic and expressive they might attract many people. For me, poetry is like a good friend to whom I share my inner emotions and feelings.
What messages do you convey to emerging poets and youngsters?
Senait: I encourage talented young poets to continue in their writing because poetry is a very interesting and honorable field, and I feel responsible institutions should encourage such young talented writers as this career is a big asset to our country.