Enforcement, construction agencies liable for early retirement of skilled personnel

Enforcement agencies and construction authorities are marked for bodies for early retirement and injury of workers, so disclosed Federal Public Servant Social Security Agency.

Approached by The Ethiopian Herald, Agency’s Registration and Benefit Award Director, Mulu-BerhanKhassaye said that the number of personnel who sustain Injuries is snowballing from time to time in the Government Development Institutions and in the Ministries of Defense, Police and Construction.

The director underscored that the aforesaid institutions have obligation to ensure safety. They have to create decent job opportunities and facilitate sound working conditions, which are free from fear of insecurity, psychological and physical injuries.

Adding, he said that the institutions should ram home precautionary measures and symbols to prevent hazardous elements that prove dangerous for workers’ lives and which expose them to physical injuries

He noted that the organizations are duty bound to facilitate pre-cautions and safety extinguishers to safeguard workers from sudden injuries, be it light to severe.
He remarked that since, by their very nature, the tasks presuppose risk, the aforementioned institutions have to create awareness on how to handle equipment in a prudential manner. He added that mobilizing employees to discuss on issues of working conditions and risk management are key instruments to combat sudden accidents.

As to him, enforcement agencies and construction bureaus, on their part, have complaint on the remissness of workers in handling equipment far from recklessness and in using non-safety ways.

He pointed out that the institutions should bridge worker’s knowledge and experience gap to reduce the rate of risks and hazards.

He stated that relentless effort is needed to safeguard workers from risky conditions and chemical contamination. This could be handled through provisions of prevention materials and holistic ways of doing things.

He said that due to the high risk associated with the nature of the aforementioned tasks, many workers are exposed to sever physical injuries such as body amputation and mayhem. Some could be bedridden. Insidious diseases, like Malaria, are often left unmentioned in the benefit coverage.

Herald December 16/2018


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