Ethiopia, Cuba vow to strengthen cooperation on international forums

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gedu Andargachew and Vice President of Cuba, Salvador Valdes Mesa vowed yesterday to strengthen longstanding bilateral ties between Ethiopia and Cuba. The two officials have agreed to further enhance the economic, political and diplomatic relations between the two nations.

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nebiyat Getachew told ENA that the officials have agreed cooperate on the future international forums. Vice President Salvador, for h is part, said that the two countries have had good results on the international forums and issues. “Cuba will continue to strengthen its alliance with Ethiopia.”

President Sahlework Zewde has also held discussion with the Vice President of Cuba Salvador at the Presidential Office on his arrival Wednesday and confirmed that Ethiopian peoples and government always remember the Cubans’ dedication to protect the sovereignty of Ethiopia during the invasion of Somalia.

The president also expressed that Ethiopia has deep desire to strengthen its ties with Cuba recalling the over six thousand scholarships Cuba gave to Ethiopians and expressed Ethiopia’s desire to use Cuban intellectuals. She also appreciated the inputs of many Cubans in Ethiopia’s agriculture, medicine, and higher education.

Vice president Salvador, confirmed the president that his country is ready to further strengthen the relationship between Ethiopia and Cuba. Ashebir Getnet, President Office Spokesperson said that they have promised to continue the agreement to strengthen in the capacity-building sector.

The vice president have also held discussion with the Ethiopian Deputy Prime Minister Demeke Mokonnen on the same day, focusing on the possibility of further strengthening the relationship between the two countries.

The two countries have discussed ways to further strengthen cooperation in health, education, science and technology. They have also agreed to collaborate on sugar production and technology transfer.

Vice president Salvador arrived at Addis Ababa for official visit to Ethiopia, on Tuesday with Deputy Foreign Minister Anna Gonzalez and Minister of Defense, B/ General Ernaldo Tamayo and is expected to discuss with other high-ranking government officials and members of the House of People’s Representatives.

The Ethiopian Herald, May 31/2019


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