Reflection of competing parties on Ethiopia, upcoming election

Following the political reform set out on throughout the country competing parties and the incumbent are preparing themselves to the upcoming election so as to build a peaceful country. Using this as a ground The Ethiopian Herald had moments with some of the competing political parties’ leaders to have their reflection towards election preparation.

Ethiopia is now found on crucial political crossroad, says Professor Merera Gudina, Chairman of MEDREK and Oromo Federalist Congress political party.

Professor Merara said: “In my opinion, the election should be conducted on the scheduled time. The reform made by the incumbent is a good start. But, it is not uniform. My experience in different parts of the country has enabled me to witness this. What is more, there is difference on the reform within the ruling party itself.”

The difference among opposition parties is also another problem. Thus, under this condition it is not to talk about postponing election. It is possible to postpone it. The problem is, the result will be negative, he said.

To bring about a successful democracy, effective transition and national consensus, the election should be the first step towards change.

According to him, political parties’ dialogue with Dr. Abiy is a good start as it promots a culture of dialogue. Attempt to ignore the political needs, dreams and desires of the mass cannot move the incumbent anywhere. He further said, the ruling party has to learn from the mistakes of its predecessors.

There were times where Emperor Haileselassie ignored the needs and concerns of the majority.

When the people ask basic questions he was talking about his divinity. Even in times where the revolution was knocking his door the Emperor was taking his anointed authority. For that reason, he was removed from power disgracefully.

The same is true for Dergue. It was preaching to the public that there is no better revolution other than Dergue. It was preaching about unity in the wrong direction. The same is true for the late Meles Zenawi. Leaders have to take lesson from their predecessors.

Professor Merara stressed the need for joint hand for better Ethiopia. According to him, the incumbent and the competing parties has to work for national consensus through democratic means. Democratic election is one way towards that.

“We have paid a lot of sacrifice for the sake of democracy for the last decades. All the political games did not benefit us.

If we need to create a new Ethiopia, we have to take lesson from the past mistakes. We should be careful and responsible to the concern of public,” he remarked.

Concerning the role of elites in nation building, Professor Merera said that the elites have to discuss on the fate of Ethiopia honestly and logically. They have to discuss on the fate and future of the nation. They have to be part and parcel of the democratic process. Whoever comes to power, the elites are the one who should play the leading role in gaping the bridge.

Ethiopian Citizens for Social Justice Party Public Relations Offer, Natnael Zeleke, on his part told The Ethiopian Herald that, there are several actions that must be taken before the election. Stabilizing the nation should be one of the major moves.

“Change and the reforms that we are observing currently are encouraging steps. The reform is opening the door towards democracy. This reform and change has to be sustainable and it needs to be all rounded.”

The leadership commitment that is witnessed at the top leadership circle shall be witnessed at the bottom level as well.

OLF, Public Relation Officer, Tolera Adeba on his part said that there might be several reasons that may push the election. But, as to OLF the party is ready for democratic election and to work for political stability.

There might be some kind of clashes in the country. But this clashes and instability can be managed if the people and the government work together for good.

The fate and the future of the nation is decided by the will and interest of the people.

It is the firm stand of OLF to build a strong Ethiopia where equality and fairness practice. In this respect if there is decisiveness to avoid violence in a peaceful manner the interest of the people will be protected.

It is learnt that, last Monday the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) has asked the Parliament for 3.7 billion Birr budget for the upcoming election.

Briefing journalists, NEBE’s Chairperson Birtukan Medeksa indicated that the board has submitted the request to the the Budget and Finance Affairs Standing Committee of the Parliament.

The Ethiopian Herald, May 29/2019


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