Efforts underway to probe how wrong map appeared on Ethiopia’s webpage: Ministry

ADDIS ABABA – The Ethiopian Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Nebiyat Getachew announced that the Ministry is working to indentify who uploaded the map of Africa that incorporated Somalia as part of Ethiopian territory on its official website.

The Spokesperson said yesterday at a press conference that, the act is entirely wrong and unacceptable. The Ministry is earnestly disappointed by the incident that appeared on the website that does not recognize Africa nation’s political boundaries.

Ministry is working to indentify who is behind this irresponsible act. As soon as the Ministry finds out who is behind this, it will take the case to court. “Ministry’s Information, Communication and Technology team and other pertinent stakes are working to ensure the security of the website,” he noted.

Though there has been no official comment from the Somali Government, the Ministry has reacted in advance and removed the “wrong and unacceptable” map as soon as it became aware of it. Correction has been given immediately.

Ethiopia respects the sovereignty and unity of Somalia and keeps on working to ensure peaceful and cooperative bilateral relation.

According to Nebiyat, the two nations are building productive, healthy and stable diplomacy based on mutual interest. And Ethiopia would like to maintain that.

The Ethiopian Herald, May 29/2019


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