Ethio- Eritrea ties deepen amid serving region’s best interests

 Nationals celebrate Independence Day here

 ADDIS ABABA– After the historic Ethio- Eritrea rapprochement, the two sides have been deepening ties via exchange of visits by the leaders of the two countries and the people to people ties, said Ambassador Birtukan Ayano, State Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia.

The deepening Ethio- Eritrea relations will serve the best interests of the Horn region, said Ambassador Semere Russom, Eritrea’s Ambassador to Ethiopia.

Both Ambassadors made the remarks at event organized to celebrate the 28th anniversary of Eritrean Independence Day on the premises of Eritrea’s embassy in Addis Ababa Saturday.

On the occasion, Ambassador Birtukan  said the celebration of Eritrean Independence Day here in Addis Ababa has been the result of the historic rapprochement between Ethiopia and Eritrea.

She also reiterated the continued commitment of the Government of Ethiopia to work for the institutionalizing of relations between the two sides.

For his part Ambassador Semere expressed his satisfaction over the celebration of Eritrea’s Independence Day in Ethiopia, the first such event after twenty years.  “Eritrea wishes peace and prosperity to the Horn of Africa and remains a constructive partner in the region for peace, stability and

 development,” he highlighted.

The Ambassador also reaffirmed his country’s commitment to work for the strengthening of relations with Ethiopia.

Ambassador of Sweden to Ethiopia Torbjorn Pettersson twitted that historic moment when national day of Eritrea was celebrated in Addis Ababa for the first time in 20 years.

He said he is happy to celebrate the day with his Eritrean colleagues Amb. Semere Russoum and Araia Desta, Permanent Representative of the State of Eritrea to the African Union and UNECA as well as Ambassador Tesfaye Yilma, Ethiopia’s Permanent Representative to the African Union.

The event was graced by members of the diplomatic corps and invited guests as well as a large number of Eritrean nationals residing in Addis Ababa.

The Ethiopian Herald May 28 2019


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