Riverside project targets modernizing African capital

Addis Ababa, referred to the diplomatic capital of Africa, is the seat for the African Union (AU), United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and many other continental and international organizations.

Taking this into consideration, in collaboration with the private sector, the government has been striving to render it a city that boasts the amenities of modern life and that greets all — diplomats, tourists, guests and dwellers— with a smile stamped face.

As part of the effort, the government has planned to undertake a riverside project. The three year project proposed by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed would make Addis a looked-forward tourist destination.

Upon unveiling the grand project, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said that the riverside development project would take the city to a higher level and it needs the contribution of all Ethiopians for its realization.

During the fundraising event held last week, Prime Minister Abiy had expressed his commitment and devotion to see to the realization of the grand project.

The Addis Ababa riverside development project would have pivotal role in ensuring clean, healthy and friendly city for residents and tourists, Communication Directorate Director at the city’s Culture and Tourism Bureau, Worku Mengesha told The Ethiopian Herald.

He adds that the capital’s rivers were highly polluted and this project will create a clean aquatic environment which would be important for business and recreation.

‘‘Due to overpopulation, for long the rivers crossing the city were vulnerable for pollution and exhaustion. As a result, the health of residents has been affected,’’ he states. He added ‘‘Having understood the problem, the government is striving to actualize a clean and hospitable city through developing riversides.

It will also create job opportunities for many as the project entails the construction of cafes, restaurants, malls and water transport services. Fishing activities are also entailed in the project. Besides, public spaces, parks, bike lanes and walkways along the river banks will be built to further modernize the already vibrant city.’’

Beyond socio-economic benefits, the Director insisted that the riverside project could play massive role in ensuring peace and security.

‘‘Addis Ababa has millions of unemployed youths. Though sedated by time-old religiosity and conservative culture, this young demographic base would pose danger for peace and security since it could involve in addiction, crime and other wrongdoings. So, the project will absorb a huge number of youths. Youths would get ample opportunity to partake in various business endeavors.’’

Addis is not only Ethiopian capital but also it is an African capital. Because of this, there are a great number of diplomatic missions and the number of tourist is increasing from time to time. Hence, the Director underlines that the riverside development will enhance eco-tourism. It as well will have an enormous role in boosting urban tourism.

The project which stretches 56 km starting from Mount Enteto to Akaki River is set to be completed on schedule, according to Semere Berhanu, Deputy Director of River Basins and Green Areas Agency.

‘‘Researches are being undertaken on its environmental impact and its socio-economic benefits. We are ready to give every necessary compensation and support for those who evacuate their residence near riverside areas.

When the research is over, it will be submitted to the Mayor’s office. Then, the Mayor’s office will evaluate and direct it to the Plan Commission. After that the project will be launched within two months,’’ he notes.

He reaffirmed that upon completion, the 29 billion Birr project will highly change the image of Addis Ababa by making it more exciting and a modern metropolitan city.

Furthermore, the project would have substantial contribution in realizing green economic policy by changing the ecological makeup of the city. It would boost the green areas of Addis significantly, according to him.

Meanwhile, Graced by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, a public dinner event called ‘Dine for Sheger’ aimed at generating fund from business people and residents was held on Sunday. The fundraising event had lured 255 business people who have paid 5 billion birr each for the impressive project.

About 1.275 billon birr was collected, according to the Ethiopian Herald. Finally, Addis Ababa, which in Amharic literally means, ‘New Flower’ would promote itself to higher level of urban transformation.

 The Ethiopian Herald  May 26/2019


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