Is ICHREE’s ‘report’ to obscure TPLF’s grievous atrocities?!

Some sanctimonious countries that fall in the set referred to the conceptual west by Pan Africanists are in a frantic bid to saddle their subtle political agendas on Ethiopia and to dictate such schemes to it under the guise of protecting human right violations.

They have dished out a wrong narrative via an International Human Rights Commission of Experts (ICHRE), whose very inception is highly dubious after the International Human Rights Commission and the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission had jointly exposed the bellicose and sanctimonious nature of the mendacious TPLF.

It is a public knowledge that the narrative is churned out to give a kiss of life to terrorist TPLF, as a last ditch effort with bulging eyes, that is clamoring for elixir scouring the sky of hypocrites.

Worse still, the study is one that has gone off the track as it is completely divorced from a scientific method of conducting a reliable research. It was largely based on hearsays. It was a narrative which did not take aboard pertinent bodies or was one that deliberately brushed aside concerned parties. As such, it was outright rejected as a fallacious chronicle.

The make-believe or fictitious report blindly tilted the balance towards the mourning-killer. It bald-facedly tried to twist the incumbent’s arm. These drag into light the report’s appalling untrustworthiness. This sours or heavily damages the report’s credence.

The report barefacedly claims the government has used starvation as a weapon of war to swap the subject of the discussion turning a blind eye to the glaring fact that TPLF was ferrying food aid to its trenches, and using it for bartering it with arsenals. It underplays the long distance the government went to outreach people of Tigray even allowing a unilateral cessation of hostilities.

The report bristling with groundless accusations is one prepared on purpose to extend a helping hand to terrorist TPLF that serves a reliable Trojan horse to hypocrites and their tail organizations and countries.

To tell terrorist-TPLF character is untoward all times, it simply suffices to check its checkered past.

It is enough to review what it has been doing during the time that spans over four decades. Dividing people along ethnic and religious lines it was inflicting harm on the country and neighbors to the extent of rocking the region.

Terrorist-TPLF was embezzling nation’s wealth, downplaying Ethiopia’s time-old sacred cultures and trying to tarnish the sovereignty of the country. Bloodshed is what comes in the fibber TPLF’s sway.

T-TPLF always dreams to wreck don the emblem of freedom, Ethiopia. And in so doing it aims at wiping out its people. This sheds light on its understated inclination to genocide.

The report didn’t hint about the support donors were seeing to up to the terrorist trenches, the looting the terrorist group was committing scot-free, the detention of WFP’s vehicles for the ferrying purpose of child soldiers to the front. Nor did it mention the destruction the terrorist group committed in neighboring states of Amhara and Afar. Even by way of a side talk it did not mention the indifference of donors to the starved inhabitants of neighboring states. It seems oblivious of balance, a salient ingredient to buy a research taking it sound.

What hypocrites need remind themselves is one-size-fits-all formula could not be applied all time. Ethiopia is a country that stood shoulder high foiling subjugation by self-seeking supremacists and colonizers. Hence, they could not make Ethiopia a pawn as their former colonies using Trojan horses like the hideous, blood thirsty, treacherous, treasonous, and siding the merciless and chatterbox TPLF, Ill-famed by negative association they are rather blemishing their own image.

Ethiopia could not accept a wrongheaded report. Nor could the discerning ones for that matter!

The Ethiopian Herald  25 September 2022

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