Employment opportunity for youth is not an option

Human beings and work are the two sides of a single coin. Starting from the time humankind exists on planet earth; humans are destined to work and to toil. Be it the ancient time or modern times, work has become part of their lifestyle. If it was not because of humans’ unceasing effort, our planet could not have been what it looks like now (with all the harm inflicted up on it). Humans’ direct or indirect engagements on the planet earth have affected civilization.

The experiences of several nations have witnessed that the type of economic progress is directly related with their industriousness. In this regard, the role of strong working force is vital in transferring the economic system of any country. Be it in developed or developing nations, the role of industrious youths have a direct impact on that particular country as they are always change agents.

 In a developing country like Ethiopia, the role of the industrious youth is key factor in pushing forward the already started economic strategy of the nation. Here, one must ask, “To what extent the nation will benefit from the already created job opportunity? And to what extent job opportunities will have impact on political stability?” As to the Psychologist Yishak Samson, work is the basic factor for humans and creating job opportunity for the youths is one of the means to make them productive.

As to him, having job is not only benefit an individual; but it has a national significance as well. When an individual citizen gets job, s/ he will have a direct impact on the society as well as the country. “For instance, unemployed youth will prefer to engage in destructive activities. S/he prefers to spend time in unproductive areas which in turn make them a burden to the family, the society and the country as well.” What is more, he added that unemployed youths are victims of stress and other related cases. Youths who are unemployed prefer to engage in criminal activities.

They will be exposed to drugs and other addictions. On the other hand, the mind of employed youths will be occupied with productive and positive thoughts. This has a direct impact for the society. The more a given youth thinks positively, the more he/she will add value on the economic and political sphere of their country, the Psychologist remarked. As to Samson, researches in the area have witnessed that, employed citizens are consumer, producer and part of financial transaction.

They are also distributors and customers. These are basic factors for the economic system of a given society. Therefore, when one compare employed citizens with those who are not, the employed ones have a direct and indirect impact in economic transformation. Samson added that, on the recent meeting at China One Belt One Road Initiative has witnessed that those employed youths are benefiting their nation.

 Their contribution to the various infrastructural development is vital. As to Samson, those employed citizens have established a family they lead. For that reason they are more responsible. In this respect, he stressed that, providing job opportunity is not all about economic issue rather it has direct impact on the political situation of the nation. “The more the nation creates job opportunity, the more stable political system we can create.

This will in turn support the growing economy of the nation and add values in other sectors as well.” Mirinda Berukins, is a researcher and an entrepreneur. According to Mirinda, involving new employment forces to the economy will create stable political system and an opportunity for innovation by developing and exchanging of skills. Miragash Kejirwal, an expert at Indian Management Institute claims that employment opportunity to the youth does not only have economic benefit for an individual. It has also a direct impact on the social, political and economic system of the nation. He believes that employed citizens have a sound mind setting and have peace.

They are also profitable. In relation to those unemployed youth, employed ones have good moral values and judgments. This has a positive role for economic progress of any nation. Since there is hope within the mind of employed citizens there is also a vision to do better and to see stable nation. The more they earn income, the more they need to invest their capital on their country. This will put pressure up on them to create peaceful country. However, unemployed citizens, in most cases, have unstable mind setting. They are not responsible at the desired level and are more violent and causes chaos, he opined.

The Ethiopian Herald May 22/ 2019


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