New education roadmap ready for public discussion

ADDIS ABABA- The new education roadmap to be used for 15 years is scheduled for public discussion as of next week, said Ministry of Education.

Minister of Education, Dr. Tilaye Gete told a press conference yesterday that a research on the education sector has been going on for three years by selected and competent scholars. The new education roadmap draft is now scheduled for public discussion that would last till January 30, 2018.

Ethiopian scholars conducted strong national research for three years on the existing policy and its challenges in a bid to improve it.

Accordingly, the researchers came up with a 700 pages research findings. In addition to this, experience of other countries was adopted. “The new education roadmap covers list of issues about how our country’s education policy should go and what to it need to include for the next 15 years.”

To him, Ethiopian scholars provide suggestions on issues that are likely to see improvement. And also, the result of the research is presented with the presence of more than 1300 regional education, zonal and city administrations education bureau heads, heads of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) organizations.

In addition to this, zonal and city administration heads, teachers training colleges, leaders of polytechnic organizations had also taken part in the discussion. In addition to this, 45 government universities, Civil Service University, Defense University, Police University College and 4 private universities were consulted.

More than 700, 000 teachers drawn from schools, TVETs, Civil Service University and Kotebe University, Defense University and Police University College discussed the draft roadmap with school communities, he added.

Herald December 14/2018


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