‘Dine for Sheger’ enjoys strong turnout

ADDIS ABABA – ‘Dine for Sheger’ event, a culmination of the fundraising program for the Beautifying Sheger Project, enjoyed strong turnout Sunday at the 132 years old Menelik II Palace. When the project was made public, a total of 500 million Birr was expected to be raised via ‘Dine for Sheger’ alone but, some 1.275 billion Birr has been raised from companies that feasted with Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed paying five million Birr per plate. The five million birr, apparently is not only for dining with the prime minister.

Those who paid the sum will get a plaque with their names on it at a location along the 56 km long project route, once completed and a private photo opportunity with Premier Abiy, to be compiled into a photo album of “individuals who changed the face of Addis Ababa.” Beautifying Sheger Project is a three year initiative of the Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed which aims to lift the image of the capital Addis Ababa and boost urban tourism. The one-billion USD project will run along the rivers of Addis Ababa, developing green spaces starting from Entoto to Akaki alongside the 56km river streams until they reach Akaki waste water treatment plant.

Meanwhile, Premier Abiy took part in the second round Addis Ababa cleaning-up campaign through sweeping the city streets Sunday morning. The campaign persuades residents to strive in cleaning their localities and make the environment a better place to live. The cleaning campaign was launched last month by the Prime Minister under the motto “Let’s get rid of rubbish, rub our inner feelings from grudge and hatred.” Senior government officials, artists and other public figures had actively participated on the second cleaning campaign, it was learnt.

The Ethiopian Herald May 21/ 2019


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