“Actually Ethiopia will remain a safe haven for Sudanese refugees,” – A refugee politician Ibrahim Kush

“Of late I feel anxious pertaining to the current circumstances of North Sudan given the to dos surfacing in the left, right and center of the country,” a Sudanese politician Ibrahim Kush, who sought asylum here, told to The Ethiopian Herald .

“In our country the whole thing seems missing the intended target. The military council leading the party assures that it would like to hand over power to a civilian-led government after two years by overseeing a transitional period. I personally find that difficult to stomach seeing that the military council leading the country is part and parcel of the former political party of President Omar alBashir.”

He continued last Monday two groups in the Sudanese military were exchanging fire. As a result a lot of lives had been claimed. In fact, most print and electronic media of the world were putting on spotlight the shocking news. They imputed the offense to mafias hiding themselves amongst the people and other related aspects.”

They also claim that they do not kill their own people. By defector, they were not defending the people. This could be taken for power mongering. For likes of me the situation in Sudan is very scary.

“He kept on saying as refugees we all love African countries. As far as I know, the Ethiopian government has a very strong relation with the government of North Sudan. In fact, it is good to see

Ethiopia and Sudan cementing this kind of strong relationship. As Ethiopia is the headquarters of the African union, we always feel ourselves at home. We fear that the good relations between the governments of North Sudan and Ethiopia may have a negative influence on our situation in Ethiopia.”

He added: “More often than not I shower my friends with the fact that the government of Ethiopia is completely an independent one and no one can colonize Ethiopians. But our fear is that the government of North Sudan might negatively influence our situation as refugees.”

“But we still have full confidence in Ethiopian government as an independent and justly one. As Ethiopia is a land of justice and cordiality we are sure that this kind of thing will not happen. Besides, we sometimes fear that the unfolding can have negative influence on us and may strip us of our protection. In fact, we are still on the safe side and in good hands and that is what we always appreciate. We would like to thank the government of Ethiopia.”

It was to be recalled that Sudan’s president Omar alBashir had been overthrown by the military considering anti-government protests against him. At this point in time, the people of Sudan have been demanding the country’s military ruler to hand over power to a civilian-led government.

The Ethiopian Herald Sunday May 19, 2019


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