Leaked document: T-TPLF’s wicked scheme to derail peace talks

A leaked document of the terror enterprise, T-TPLF, has once again laid bare the group’s and its cronies’ destructive “path and strategy” in their doomed alliance to destroy the proposed peace talks.

The document that the terror enterprise prepared under a crafty title: ‘A path and strategy towards the concluding chapter [of war]’ inflated the terrorist’s camp while spitting a venomous prejudice towards the diverse peoples of Ethiopia.

In what could be regarded as yet another attempt to deceive the people of Tigray, it used ‘concluding chapter [of the war]’ in the title of the document but the reality on the ground is that the criminal thugs are using the children and youths of Tigray as its cannon fodder for its callous invasion of neighboring states.

Over and beyond, the group’s concealed activities to ruin the olive branch that the Governemnt of Ethiopia holds out have become conspicuous in its own document. The manuscript that is targeting the top leadership of the T-TPLF, in clear and succinct way, puts it that peaceful approaches never benefit them; they rather would use force to achieve their illusionary “goals”.

Over the last months of the ending Ethiopian year, the government has taken practical measures to wide-open the avenue of peace. The truce which the government of Ethiopia declared on March, 24/2022 made humanitarian deliveries possible in northern Ethiopia. More fuel and cash as well as other dearly needed food and medicine were supplied as a result of the indefinite truce.

In addition, the peace effort of the African Union comes on the heels of the appointment of AU High Representative for the Horn of Africa, former Nigerian Pres. Olusegun Obasanjo, has brought encouraging results, of course, the group tried to keep the sacred endeavors of the

 AU in disparage. Following the proposed peace talks, Ethiopia has made public its high-level peace committee that Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Demeke Mekonnen chairs.

The commitment of the government expressed unequivocally as: ‘anywhere,’ ‘anytime,’ and ‘without precondition’ was never reciprocated from the terrorist’s side.

On the flip side, the TPLF used the pre-days of August 24, 2022 to mobilize itself for the third round of war. With its ruthless policy of ‘one person per family in exchange for aids’ and flagrantly declaring that a family who fails to send a member to join the terrorist TPLF ranks will never have equal status, the leadership of the group readied itself to a destructive campaign.

As the document plainly stipulates, the group made a closed-door meeting and passed decisions to launch a third round of war on Ethiopia. Worse still, the brazen TPLF, prearranged to redirect humanitarian supplies to invade the adjacent region of Amhara and Afar. On August 26, 2022 the UNWFP revealed that 12 tankers filled with the fuel of more than half-a-million liters was looted by the TPLF. High-energy food supplies of humanitarian organizations including the USAID foods delivered to Tigray have also been seized in the TPLF trenches. This is not to mention the several hundreds of humanitarian trucks it has confiscated previously.

Evidences exposing the T-TPLF are piling up in a way the international community can no longer ignore. Particularly, multilateral institutions such as the UN, must clearly identify the TPLF by its real nature, a TERRORIST. While the international community is expecting a peaceful conclusion of the war under the auspicious of the AU, the terrorist TPLF formulate a document entitled as a ‘concluding chapter of destruction.’ Hence, all peace-loving members of the Int’l Community must take a serious measure on this callous group!

The Ethiopian Herald September 6/2022

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