Children should not be used as instruments of despotic group


How long the people of Tigray should suffer because of TPLF`s treachery? How long little children should also sacrifice their lives deceiving by TPLF’s dramas? Why did the TPLF fail to accept the peace talks?

As Prof. Abebaw Ayalew, a historian once told to The Ethiopian Herald, starting from the time T-TPLF came into existence, it was ruled by treachery and robbery. For that very reason, there was not a single moment it cared about the people of Tigray or to Ethiopia. Terrorist TPLF is predestined to wickedness and perversity, merely to serve its sole interest, has never been stopped misleading its own people and the international community.

While the group was in the bush claiming itself as the guardian of the people of Tigray, it was using innocent Tigreans to achieve its purpose. It was deliberately exposing them to hunger and extreme sufferings so as to grab international media attention.

This was witnessed several times, specially, when it exposed the people to severe attack during the reign of Derg. Despite all the necessary information it had before Derg’s attack, T-TPLF had let the people to be the victims of the attack.

Even after close to three decades, the same TPLF is using the people of Tigray as a shield for its meanness’ and is exacerbating the misery of ordinary people in Tigray; which in turn exposes its true repressive nature.

The greed and inhumanity we see on TPLF and its leaders is a clear indication of its terrorist nature, says Biniyam Amare, a Public Policy student at Civil Service University. According to him, starting from the time the TPLF was ousted from power, it was looking for all options to destroy the political and economic structure of the nation. It is against all peaceful options. The group is still in its “bush mentality”. The warmongering character of the junta is letting Tigrean people suffer.

He also said, the leadership of the terrorist group and its clique are still attempting to fool the international community through their pre-cooked stories. All the false claims of high TPLF leaders including World Health Organization Director-General Tewodros Adhanom are true examples to this.

Currently, as it did before, the self-obsessed group is compelling little children who even cannot properly balance their body, to carry weapons and take part in the war. This is unquestionably recklessness; and an act that breaches the international war law. Tigrean mothers are crying because of injustice.

Those little children who should have been prepared for their class in the coming Ethiopian New Year, are forced

 to hang around with TPLF insurgents at warfronts snatched out of their mother`s arms.

Likewise, the strong muscles of Tigray farmers that should tilt the dry land and feed the hungry mouths of innocent Tigreans have now been forced by TPLF leaders to carry weapons.

Divisiveness and propaganda are the hallmarks of TPLF groups that had been in practice for decades. It is by this propaganda and treachery TPLF has tried hard to ruin the strong Ethiopian sentiment. However, it did not succeed for the strong hands of Ethiopians have united to remove the despotic system from its position.

Starting from the time the war outbreak, the Ethiopian government and its people have been appealing for the sake of peace. The reason behind the appeal was to safeguard those little children who have become victims of the war and to end the conflict.

It has been by the desire of the government to focus on developmental activities rather than wasting its time with bandits. In contrast, the terrorist group which cannot survive without war it has opened another war and is causing destruction and worsening the situation of the people of Tigray.

As Jeff Pearce, a Historian, Novelist, Career surrealist clearly stated in his recent article entitled “Land of lawlessness,” TPLF`s despotic rule has made life in Tigray too terrific.

Quoting UN report, Pearce said that “Leaked reports marked confidential from the UN’s Department of Safety and Security offer a picture of the TPLF’s lawless and despotic rule in Tigray over the spring and summer.”

In his article which was published last Friday Pearce indicated the ruthlessness of TPLF and its leaders. “According to the UN’s own documents, the TPLF rounded up several Tigreans on April 17 ‘who [were] not willing to send their children to join TF [Tigray Forces]. The authorities also conducted a house-to-house search after 18:00 hours escorted by TF members. It was also reported that TF members who deserted from TF without permission were forced for recruitment.”

He also reported that “… only the day before, April 16, at about 4:30 in the afternoon, a UN staff member was arrested in Mekelle City. The staff member was reportedly released on 17 April; which means that, the UN worker was clearly imprisoned for at least a whole evening.

Pearce has also reported that leaked documents last year proved that the UN ignored and covered up incidents in which their own Ethiopian staff were kidnapped and assaulted, as well as instances where they knew the TPLF was using forced recruitment, along with cases of looting.

According to these new leaked documents, Pearce noted that, “On April 24, a UN staff member was attacked and robbed by three men near the Gebar Shire hotel in Shire. One suspect hung the staff member’s neck from behind and the other two suspects took some amount of Ethiopian Birr and important documents.”

This truly shows the inhuman character of TPLF leaderships, their discourtesy and the level of their contempt to the global community. All the recent activities of the group from plundering warehouses to forcibly recruiting children for war shows the burden Ethiopians had been carrying for about 27 years of TPLF leadership.

While the majority of Ethiopians were suffering from hunger and poverty, TPLF and its leadership circles were enjoying their life with their families in luxurious hotels abroad. While the poor Tigrean people were suffering from poverty, the children of TPLF leaders were sending their children abroad for recreation and amusement.

The Ethiopian Herald  4 September 2022

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