The TPLF’s latest terrorist offensive is meant to punish Ethiopia for its summer of success


The West and Egypt want their TPLF proxies to punish Ethiopia for its rising global role as recognized by the BRICS countries and especially Russia, Prime Minister Abiy decisively avoiding war with Sudan earlier this summer, and Addis’ third filling of GERD.

The TPLF unsurprisingly launched another terrorist offensive in northern Ethiopia after being resupplied over the past few months through UN aid shipments that were exploited to clandestinely smuggle arms to these terrorists-separatists. There’s no doubt that this group is to blame for violating the ceasefire from earlier this year since even the UN spokesman for Secretary-General Guterres confirmed that they broke into one of the global body’s local warehouses in order to steal 12 tankers of fuel.

Their latest offensive isn’t just intended to cause random carnage as part of their foreign patrons’ policy of weaponizing chaos against their opponents, but is specifically meant to punish this Horn of Africa leader for its summer of success. All of its recent achievements build upon its consistent policy of principled neutrality in the New Cold War, which was what provoked the US-led West and Egypt into launching the TPLF-driven Hybrid War of Terror on Ethiopia in the first place.

In early June, the Ethiopian Ambassador to Russia told Sputnik that not only is his civilization-state eager to participate in Moscow’s financial multi-polarity platform, but also that Addis won’t let America legislate its relations with that Eurasian Great Power through the “Countering Malign Russian Activities In Africa Act”. Around the same time, his Russian counterpart to Ethiopia reminded everyone how peace in his host country is integral to ensuring peace across the entire continent.

It’s also important to point out that the African Union (AU) praised Ethiopia’s peace process as well, which shattered Western lies that exclusively blamed its government for the conflict. The formula of “African solutions for African problems” fully aligns with the spirit of the global systemic transition to multi-polarity. No non-African force has the right to interfere in any process on the continent, not least of which are those that concern the resolution of conflicts that they themselves are responsible for.

Later that month, Prime Minister Abiy participated in the BRICS framework, which testified to his country’s growing role in the future of the global economy. Even though nearby Egypt also took part in this meeting, Cairo clearly became jealous that Addis was receiving wider recognition by the world community, hence why it unsuccessfully tried provoking a conflict between Ethiopia and Sudan that was narrowly averted after Prime Minister Abiy’s decisive Twitter message in Arabic helped calm tensions.

Moving along to July, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov’s trip around the end of the month was a milestone in their bilateral relations and for that Eurasian Great Power’s ties with Africa more broadly after its top diplomat promised to help the continent fully complete its decolonization processes. As always, Egypt couldn’t accept foreign recognition of Ethiopia’s growing role, which explains why it made a huge fuss about that country’s third filling of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD).

That was just a false pretext for pressuring its Hybrid War victim and preceded Western envoys’ trip to Ethiopia’s Tigray Region, where they infamously took a selfie with a TPLF terrorist leader that confirmed their countries’ tacit support for his group’s terrorist-separatist cause. Shortly after, it became obvious that Al Shabaab was being cultivated as another one of the West’s proxies in parallel with the larger plot to replace the AU-led peace process with their own alternative one for breathing new life into the TPLF.

It’s against this dynamic background that those terrorists just launched their latest offensive, which nobody can forget also resulted in them attacking a UN aid warehouse in complete contravention of all international norms and standards. Quite clearly, the West and Egypt want their TPLF proxies to punish Ethiopia for its rising global role as recognized by the BRICS countries and especially Russia, Prime Minister Abiy decisively avoiding war with Sudan earlier this summer, and Addis’ third filling of GERD.

What’s so dangerous about this latest escalation and which sets it apart from the prior rounds of conflict is that the terrorists’ backers are no longer shy about directly supporting their puppets after the Ethiopian Air Force (EAF) just announced that it shot down a plane entering the country’s airspace from Sudan. Their representative revealed that “it is believed to be from our historical enemies who have been working to weaken Ethiopia”, which was likely a reference to the US-led West and/or Egypt.

Without a doubt, those who ordered the TPLF to stage its latest terrorist attack intend to internationalize the conflict for the purpose of sowing as much chaos as they can in a desperate last-ditch attempt to weaponize it in order to punish Ethiopia for its summer of successes. While it remains uncertain how long the latest round of fighting will last, nobody should forget how far Ethiopia has already come since the conflict started, which is why it’s predicted to prevail this time around too.

The Ethiopian Herald  31 August 2022

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