Over 14 domestic cities participating in Cities Investment forum

ADDIS ABABA – More than 14 Ethiopian cities are attending the three day Ethiopian Investment Week Forum underway at Addis Ababa Exhibition Center.

The forum organized with the theme “care for our investment areas”, aims to help cities across the country promoting their potentials for the investors, according to Co-organizer of the forum, Ethiopian City Marketing and Communications.

The cities have put in place a partnership platform with the objective of promoting their potentials segment in their respective areas. Ethiopian cities are the major part of the promotion of our investment sites according to the information received from the organizers.

Ohad Benami General Manager of Ethiopian City Marketing Communication said that, this prestigious national Exhibition is supported by Ethiopian Investment Commission and Addis Ababa Investment Commission. This event shall witness high level business delegation from different cities across Ethiopia.

The main aim of the forum is to further strengthen trade and investment relations that have been showing remarkable development between Ethiopian cities. On the other hand the forum is aimed to give awareness and experience sharing among the business community and to explore their potentials, Ohad noted.

Ethiopian Investment Week and Forum is an occasion that will promote understanding of the sectors challenge and opportunities bring together investment companies with different stakeholders with their investment potentials to promote for their customers, demonstrate their products as well.

As well it is important opportunity for the participants to facilitate maximum opportunity for participants or customers. The event shall be catering to all cities and technology demands all of Ethiopian nations.

Ohad said that, forum was focuses only in promoting their investment potentials. Attract foreign direct investment (FDI) stimulate a culture of entrepreneurship locally, Promote joint venture opportunities between investors.

Mekonen Hailu Public Relation Director at Ethiopian Investment Commission, in relation with the forum told The Ethiopian Herald that, the Ethiopian Investment Week Forum has many benefits it will sensitize the public and specially the youth on the real values of investment and their presence in a nation that aspires to promote its growth.

He further stated that recently Ethiopia is attracting the attention of multinational investors compared to other African countries due to the abundance of the resource of the country has. This kind of event will plays vital role in upgrading and promoting the investment potentials of the country according to Mekonen.

Over 14 Ethiopian cities engaged in investment sectors, including food and agro-processing, technology, mining, car manufacturing and hotel are expected to take part in the forum.

The forum is expected to create opportunity for Ethiopian cities to explore ways of collaborating in the investment sector. Ethiopian City Marketing, Addis Ababa Investment Commission and Ethiopian Investment Commission jointly organized the event.

Mikiyas Tadese Investment Promotion and Study Officer at Addis Ababa Investment Commission for his part said that, the government is doing his level best to upgrade investment potential of the country through different things. Among the activity given by Addis Ababa investment were import materials free from tax to promote the potentials of the country. Aim of the activity is to benefit the society in large and promote investment potentials of the country.

The Ethiopian Herald May 18/ 2019


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