EPRDF puts national security as top priority

ADDIS ABABA — After thorough discussion on national security Thursday the executive committee of the ruling party, Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) has vowed to work strenuously on ensuring safety of citizens.

After evaluating the yearlong achievements and challenges in national security, the executive committee has passed resolution to address the problems.

The committee has acclaimed that the admission of armed opposition forces after laying arms and the thawing of the no war no peace situation between Eritrea and Ethiopia.

The committee mentioned the reforms on the security institutions and the efforts to free leadership of security institutions from political affiliation, as achievements of the new administration and added that defense force is one of the institutions that carried out strong reform during the last year as modernization activities were carried out from organization up to overall structuring.

The committee has also stipulated that the country is facing various challenges despite the strong reforms on the security sector. The main causes of the challenges were extreme nationalism, informal groupings or mobs, illegal arms trafficking and impacts of fake news by the social media, the statement said adding that these challenges have in turn caused death , displacement and insecurity of citizens.

One of the hindrances to nip the challenges in the bud was the political activities, the statement said adding there is a need to ensure peace as soon as possible by discharging both the political and security works side by side in such a way that one augments the other.

Tensions that emanated from border disputes are improving recently, but it is important to work to sustainably address the problems in line with the constitutions by focusing on the relations of regions with other regions and with the federal government as well as the structuring of regions security forces, the committee remarked.

The front has further agreed that security forces should renew their loyalty to the people and operate with due commitment to safeguard citizens right of living in peace, moving from place to place as well as their human and democratic rights.

Leadership at different hierarchies should also work hand in hand with the public to ensure peace while the public should reciprocate for the stability of their respective regions. It has also reiterated the need to put all out efforts to curb some attempts to coercively discharge interests.

The Ethiopian Herald May 18/ 2019


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