More than 250 seats sold for tomorrow’s ‘Dine for Sheger’

ADDIS ABABA –– Following the recent call from the Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed, more than 250 individuals, international and local organizations, and institutions have purchased seats for ‘Dine for Sheger’ program to keep their fingerprints in beautifying riversides of Addis Ababa, according to the Office of the Prime Minister (PMO).

Lauding the endeavor of the participant, the Office called on individuals to further put their fingerprints in beautifying Ethiopia’s capital in the remaining couple of days of cleaning activities.

According to the Office of the Prime Minister, over 700 million Birr has been collected, sofar, from such development partners. Of which, 500 million Birr has been donated from the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, 160 million Birr from the government of Italy, 28,670,000 Birr from the United Nations Development Program, 17,256,000 Birr from the African Development Bank, and 28,670,000 Birr from the United Nations Industrial Development Organization.

After visiting the Menelik II Palace in the evening on Sunday, May 19, 2019, the ‘Dine for Sheger’ program, which is part of the three-year “beautifying Sheger” initiative, will be held at Menelik’s Dining Hall, the Office stated.

Since the level of peoples’ participation in beautifying riversides of Addis Ababa may differ, a great number of individuals have to come up with enthusiastic commitment to participate in the cleaning events at their respective residential areas, the Office called on.

“Since a heart full of hatred and grudge cannot be filled with peace, forgiveness and love at the same time, the city’s sanitation campaign would not be accomplished by a day long effort,” the Office emphasized.

“By cleaning our environment at least once a month, we can make our city a center for tourist destination, economic development and job opportunities, as well as a comfortable place for living and work.”

The Ethiopian Herald May 18/ 2019


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