Institute determines exploiting space science technology

ADDIS ABABA- The Ethiopian Space Science and Technology Institute (ESSTI) said that it has given due attention to space science program and is building its internal capacity and human capital to garner sector’s multidimensional benefits.

Dr. Solomon Belay, Director General of ESSTI said that the Institute is working to enable the country fully exploit multidimensional uses of space science and technologies. And by sorting out thematic areas, is undertaking activities in collaboration with partners. The government is also supporting the sector through financing to realize the set target, he added.

“Currently, we are working to give due emphasis on developing well skilled human capital, forging ties with local and international institutions and promoting science in bid to create informed society towards astrology and space.” As to him, the Institute is working with nine female space science professional scientists.

To capitalize the skills more, they will take short term trainings aboard and locally, in technology academies. “ESSTI is gender sensitive Institute but has no room to compromise international standards of space science, frame work of the Institute,” Dr. Solomon underlined. Developed nations have over a century old space science history; Ethiopia who joins the space science sector late should work in setting priorities.

 “We are well aware that every bit of advancement done by space science has a lot to do with almost every aspect of daily life. So, nation should stick to the high quality of human capital development and be ready to spur in all parts of the economy in the years to come.” “Since Ethiopia has great opportunity in astrology owing to its topography coupled with the government’s high commitment and promising efforts recorded in equipping the sector with skilled human capital, the Institute is determined to build up experiences in organized fashion setting thematic areas,” he reiterated.

He mentioned that his Institute is working in line with the frame work international space science standards at all parameters of endeavors. “We are working with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), European, Russian as well Chinese Academy of Space Technology and space institutions in honing and supporting efficient professionals in short term training, as well as offering graduate and under graduate programs in the astrology, engineering and related field of studies.

In a bid to ensure well established system and let juniors join the science in astrology, the Institute is conducting space science promotion activities in collaboration with the Ethiopian Science Society and higher education institutions. “The Institute had also conducted productive ‘Astro Bus Tours’ that covered some parts of Oromia, Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ and Amhara States.

Because of the promotion efforts made to create informed societies, and efficient human capital, encouraging achievement is witnessed, he remarked. ESSTI is working with Chinese Academy of Space Technology in various developing Ethiopia’s 71kg Multi-Spectral Remote Sensing Satellite ETRSS-1. Ethiopia has scheduled to launch ETRSS-1 into space before the end of 2019 and the Satellite is expected to monitor weather patterns for better agricultural planning, drought early warning, and forestry management.

The Ethiopian Herald, May 15/2019


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