Introducing new technologies to modernize the transport sector


It is easy to understand that when the population increases, the demand in infrastructure will be high and to meet the demand the government must exert its effort and allocate budget. In this regard, responsible stakeholders should collaborate with the government to find solutions.

Evidence indicates that there is a high transportation demand in Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia. In the course of time, the government has applied a number of mechanisms to narrow the gap between supply and demand. In this regard the government has been trying to introduce various up to date technologies to modernize multiple sectors including the transportation system.

It is not long ago when the government ratified private mobility service provider system like ride transport so that people can use their vehicles to transport those who can afford a price. Still, there are many organizations that are working on transportation sector to alleviate the problem.

It is also important to understand that Ethiopia is constructing mega projects to generate electric power. This definitely leads the country to use electric power for transportation and other facilities by replacing carbon based energy. In this regard, just a week ago, the Ministry of Transport has launched electric based transportation service program to residents in Addis Ababa which will be lasted a month. 60 electric vehicles have been providing services. These vehicles will also be assisted with 40 charging stations. The ministry will be working in partnership with Green Tech Africa announcing the service month as an awareness creation month.

Speaking on the occasion, Dagmawit Moges, Minister of Transport and Logistics, disclosed that the new system is the better way to save around 4 billion USD that the country allocates for fuel purchase. “We call on all Ethiopians to take advantage of the benefits of modern technology which contributes to the national economy as well as the protection of the environment,” she said. It was learnt that the Ministry has worked aggressively on replacing the carbon based transport system to renewable energy in order to mitigate the fuel price hike.

Water and Energy Minister Habtamu Itefa (PhD) on his part mentioned that the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) and other power projects will take their part to be the solution to the electric power demand. Such technologies will have a tangible impact, the minister said.

On the other hand, Green Tech Africa CEO/ Ethiopia, Citra Ali disclosed that it was a pleasure to take part in the development of electric powered vehicles in Ethiopia. The company is aiming at setting up an electric vehicle assembly factory in Ethiopia.

The concept of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is introduced in different parts of the world. According to UN Climate Technology Center and Network (CTCN), BRT is defined as a bus-based public transport system. It is designed to improve capacity and reliability relative to a conventional bus system. At this moment, there are many BRT in various countries, but Brazil’s Curitiba Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is known as the first Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system in the world which is operational in 1970s.

Based on the explanation from CTCN, BRT system has specialized design, service and infrastructure to improve the quality of the system and mitigate typical causes of bus delay. The system aims to combine the capacity and speed of a light rail or metro system with flexibility, cost effective and simplicity. It brings a number of blessings to the people and the nation at large by lowering the cost. This particular system also brings benefits such as reducing congestion, air pollution, greenhouse gases, and provides better services to the people. Such system is very popular in different countries like Brazil and China which are the most populous countries.

UN Climate Technology Center and Network (CTCN) also advices to take this system into consideration so that it can be a part of a nation’s comprehensive strategies that incorporate increasing vehicle and fuel taxes, strict land-use controls, limits and higher fees on parking, and integrating transit systems into a broader package of mobility for all types of travelers. It is mostly preferable in cities and urban areas.

According to the UN report, Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system brings tremendous advantages to a sustainable urban transport system. The system is highly energy efficient compared to other transport systems. Reducing travel time, more reliable product deliveries, increasing economic productivity, employment, and creating better work conditions are among the economic benefits of implementing BRT in one country. In addition, the system has social benefits. It brings more equitable accessibility throughout the city, less accidents and illness from pollution, and increased civic pride and sense of community.

Days ago, the Addis Ababa Transport Bureau announced that it has crafted 15 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) projects and working to launch the service across the city in the coming weeks.

Based on the information obtained from the Bureau, the system will definitely solve the transportation problems seen in the capital city. The BRT project will provide the service to 15 different destinations including Winget-Ayertena, Lebu-Koyefeche, Shiromeda-Kotebe.

The Ministry of Transport and Logistics coupled with Addis Ababa Transport Bureau have given special attention to improve the performance of mass transport service by enhancing the bus transport services in the capital. Besides, 120 additional new and assembled buses will start transport services provision in the coming months.

It was learnt that the BRT services will directly contribute to the safe utilization of roads smoothing traffic flow, environmental resilience, ensuring transportation accessibility with affordable price, and many more. It was also stated that the system will be assisted with digital technologies so as to make the service more convenient and compatible for the passengers. It is the fact that the population in the capital city is growing rapidly as the result, the demand for transportation, especially for public transportation is growing.

To wrap up, introducing new and cost-effective technologies to the transportation sector saves billions of dollars spent for fuel importation and other expenses. Replacing those fuel-intake vehicles to the new and electric-powered engines will definitely pave the way for building climate resilient green economy which the nation aspires.


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