Addis Chamber to better serve business community, Ethiopia’s economy


Global trading is one of the earliest activities of human being. However, it is agreeable that trading needs willing of at least two parties to conduct between them. In ancient times, communities were traded with communities, city-states with each other with complementing goods and services. International trade has been inconspicuousness for centuries and all civilizations carried on trade with other parts of the world. Historians agree that the international trade in its present form began to flourish starting with barter system and later replaced by Mercantilism in the 16th and 17th Centuries. The 18th Century saw the shift towards liberalism. It was in this period that Adam Smith came with his work “The Wealth of Nations” published in 1776, where he discussed the importance of international trade.

In the present context where technology and innovation in all fields have open borders to globalization, therefore, no country can afford to remain isolated and be self-sufficient. No country is self-sufficient by itself; therefore, international trade has continued to exist.

And the global trading system is under different regional trading pacts formations. The Second World War played its role to the establishment of the United Nations on the debris of the former League of Nations, catalyzing various regional blocks with political and economic orientations. The same is true for Africa which realized the coming forth of the then Organization of African Union (OAU) which opened the way for the regional market blocs in the north, east south and east of the continent.

From times in the past, Ethiopia has been trading with many countries of the five continents and regional market blocks. However, until the reinstitution of Emperor Hailessilassie in 1941 who latter initiated modernizing social and economic sectors including trade two years later, in 1943, the conception of establishing a chamber of commerce was in the attention of the emperor until the first chamber of commerce was established under charter in 1947 following the end of Fascist Italian invasion.

Therefore, it was the question of the day to have a chamber as an important component in the face of growing investment and trade. Ethiopia’s trade relations had been negotiated and agreed by government. However, it is the business community that implements those agreements. Consequently, Addis Chamber has played uncompromising role in building Ethiopia’s regional economic integration.

As a result, Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Association (AACCSA) has recently said that it has carried out institutional reforms with a view to satisfying the growing demand of the business community. Commemorating its 75th years Anniversary last week with a panel discussion, photo exhibition and other events, here in Addis Ababa, the Association announced that it is serving as a credible voice of business and advocates for the creation of a conducive business environment.

In her opening remark, AACCSA President, Mesenbet Shenkute stated that meticulous institutional reform has been taking place to deliver standardized and modernized service to the business community. Cooperation between the private sector and government will enhance business efficiency and sustainability. Ethiopia’s economy will be supported and developed through active participation of the private sector thus boosting the role and contribution of the business community in the economy should be given due emphasis.

AACCSA is an icon for other business associations in Ethiopia and Africa applying modern systems and structures have become the order to catch the dynamics in the global working system. “Applying institutional reform will enable us to build organizational capability and protect the rights and benefits of the business communities thereby availing modern services,” she said.

Trade and Regional Integration State Minister, Hussein Mohammed on his part said on the occasion that building the capacity of business companies makes them competitive in the global market. Strengthening the bridge between government and private sector is also a key stimulator to speed up the national economy.

The State Minister urged the private sector to create conducive environment to ease of doing business and utilize business opportunities. “Enhancing the capacity of domestic businesses will enable Ethiopia to create a robust economy in the future,” he remarked.

Furthermore, the Ministry underscored the AACCSA has been a representative of the business community, which has played an important role in the country’s business activities since its foundation. He further called on the Chamber for its indispensable role in supporting the business community via producing quality products.

In particular, Hussein said that Addis chamber should be mobilized to ensure the quality and standards of the products supplied by the business community for domestic and export goods. He said it should enhance the country’s economic growth.

Noting that the Chamber is contributing its share to the growth and development of the country’s business system, he said it is expected to do its part to boost nation’s economy through strengthening this effort.

Approached by The Ethiopian Herald Tihitina Legesse, General Manager of Waryt Investment said that the association has played significant role in the achievements of her company. “Since our membership 20 years back, we are closely working with the Addis Chamber in modernizing the trading system,” she pointed out.

As to her, coupled with being a membership and paying membership fees, her company is engaged on different activities and events that the chamber has organized so far. Apart from this, the Association has been working seemingly in counseling the trading law of the country, she noted.

Congratulating the members and the trading community in general, Tihitna further noticed that the 75 Years travel of the association was successful. According to her, her company is working in unison with the Association to be a competent and training center for other manufacturers. The private sector should play its utmost role in developing the county’s economy by generating tax revenue and building the country’s image by producing quality products that meet international standards, she explained.

WARYT is an Ethiopian family owned Company, established in 1989 by the WARYT Family Members who are always actively engaged in the community since its inception.

Today, WARYT has about over 400 permanent employees all in all and it is enjoying a stable and lasting growth with a continuum of qualified management staffs of foresight and rational imagination, who had the courage to change course at key points along the way so that the company stays competent and continues to be one of the leading companies in the Ethiopian Furniture Industry along with its involvement in Shared Value Services.

Similarly, AACCSA promotes trade and industry by disseminating business information, consulting government and its members on economic development and business issues, establishing friendly relationship with similar chambers in other countries, and exchanging information as well as engaging in arbitration in times of disputes among businesses.

It is also the oldest, largest and strongest Chamber in Ethiopia which represents a wide spectrum of businesses constituting for more than 60 percent of businesses operating in the country. Being a member of the World Chambers Federation, AACCSA also has a prominent place in the international network of chambers.

AACCSA is a voluntary, non-governmental, business membership organization with more than 15,000 member companies. The chamber serves as a credible voice of business and advocates for the creation of conducive business environment. The chamber always conducts research and shares the findings to policy makers and all other stake holders in a bid to influence business related policies through evidence-based advocacy, it was learnt.


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