Thumbs up findings in bumping up sorghum yields

In the not distant future, Ethiopia is bracing up to dole out a newly developed sorghum seed once sown that gives yields from two to six years based on the ecologies of the country . The path-breaking achievement is believed to get bigger the existing sorghum yields by five fold and to pick up the lives of farmers.

The Ethiopian scientist Laureate Talegeta Leul, the founder of Re nature Eternal Life Agro Processing S.C, so disclosed in an exclusive interview with The Ethiopian Herald. As per the scientist, his company targets at all-encompassing industry clusters bringing into being inputs for agricultural works with the aim of spearheading agricultural developments across the country in addition to shading light to theories in re-biology, gene, cellular therapy, chemistry, land science, space science, dental therapy, water, soil, among others.

Most of them are at the height of fashion. At this point in time, people from some parts of the country are showing interest to make use of the newly developed sorghum yields. He kept on saying, “When the newly developed sorghum yields elbow their ways into the global market, the country can earn a lot of foreign currency which pumps in the nation’s economy without a shadow of a doubt.”

He stressed that Dr. Eng. Getahun Mekuria, Minister of Science and Technology takes the lion’s share in smoothing the progress of putting the new findings into practice and improving the lives of Ethiopian farmers living across the country. Apart from his valuable advices with a view to changing the lives of Ethiopian farmers, he has been financially supporting the project.

Talegeta further stressed that, “Whenever I came up with the idea of my research, more than a few people were constantly making fun of me. There were some that went to the extent of considering me as insane and good for nothing person. Most of them were not in the position to lend me their ears. Over and over again they were turning a blind eye to the practically-proved findings of mine. But the minister on his own initiative allowed me three million Birr for conducting a pilot project and distributing the seeds to farmers, found in a wide spectrum of the country.

In due course, colleagues and I sowed the sorghum seeds on the premises of Addis Ababa Science and Technology University and thus the desired goal is being achieved at this point in time. The whole thing is heading in the right direction. After some processes the seeds will be distributed to farmers through the Ministry of Agriculture. “Automated -Perennial crop seeds afford people nutritional fortification in addition to making toddlers and young children hale and hearty, industrious and innovative.

In the same way, they play a part in safeguarding dietary food flavor and turning the corner of the economic status of the population. Likewise, automated perennial crop seeds have no genetic modification. They are multiple tillers and drought resistant. They have natural Genetic structure,” he added. He continued: “As I grew up in the rural area, I was on familiar terms with the lives of farmers living in every nook and cranny of my place of birth.

They were leading a hand to mouth life following the ineffectiveness of the farming system. They did not know the way out except wrestling with life challenges time and again. Having passed through twists and turns, I am on the way to materialize my dream. Honestly speaking, I have not ever given up hope in my life.

I want to see the life of African farmers turned around. “I had passed though many ups and downs to reach where I am today. I have almost spent forty solid years to make my dream become a reality. As a matter of fact, the challenge was not as easy as falling of a log. I do believe the whole lot will change down the road in a little while,” he wrapped up.

The Ethiopian Herald, Sunday Edition May 12/2019


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