EDTF Secretariat starts operation in Addis

ADDIS ABABA – The Ethiopian Diaspora Trust Fund (EDTF) Secretariat has officially started operations in the capital.

The Secretariat will be responsible for the daily administration and management of EDTF, implementation of policies and other activities. Fund Chairman, Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam remarked, “We recently made final selection of the secretariat staff after a rigorous recruitment process conducted jointly by EDTF Advisory Council and UNDP.

I sincerely appreciate UNDP for the generous and substantial twoyear grant support for the EDTF Secretariat.” He also affirmed to all the Ethiopian Diasporas that one hundred percent of all donations will be used to finance projects.

“No money from individual Diaspora contribution will be used for the secretariat’s administrative, management or related purposes, which is very unusual for operation of any non-profit organization.”

EDTF was established with a vision of improving the lives of disadvantaged Ethiopians by funding critical socio-economic projects. Since its inception until May 1, EDTF deposited near to four million USD.

The Ethiopian Herald, May 9/2019


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