Honoring Negasso’s legacy

Last Sunday, thousands attended state funeral in Addis Ababa to pay their final respects to the late former president Negasso Gidada who died last week at the age of 76. The funeral was attended by thousands of dignitaries including President Sahlework Zewde, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and other senior government officials.

Over the last week, a lot have been written and spoken in honoring Negasso and his contributions. For instance, President SahleWork Zewde said that Negasso was a strong leader who contributed a lot for the best of his country. At this moment of his passing, we have still more to say about his legacy besides what has been written and spoken since his death announced on April 27

Actually, he was a leader who set high moral standard while serving at the highest office of the nation. He was among some African leaders who morally and ethically fit to such leadership position and are free of corruption. Because of his strong moral character, he was confident enough to say he felt honored for refusing injustice. He also discharged his responsibilities efficiently during his stay at office.

Definitely, he deserves great respect as he struggled for people’s freedom, equality and democracy expecting a better and unified Ethiopia. Serving as a president of Ethiopia from 1995-2001, he led the drafting and adoption of the Constitution.

We thank him for his steadfastness for justice under the most inhuman circumstances. He decided to endure the temporary discomfort for the higher goal serving of humanity. He set an exemplary attitude toward power not just for Ethiopian but also for African leaders. From him, we learned determination to stand for justice regardless of the loss of comfortable life.

As a leader of the highest office, Negesso resigned peacefully in 2001. Considering his decision as wise, the Ethiopians and Africans appreciated his astonishing sense of readiness to transfer power peacefully. Surely, the resignation of the president left useful lessons for African leaders where such decision is unusual and the continent is known for having world’s longest-serving heads of state. His decision helped him to remain authentic to his believes and purpose. Actually, his determination had also contributed to reveal the then corrupted system in the government.

The decision of this leader was the clearest indication that he was determined, free from the love of power and had a strong sense of stewardship. He has precisely demonstrated the feature of authentic, strong and ethical leaders.

Dear leader, thank you for not conforming yourself to the then prevailing corrupted system. Your refusal of injustice has contributed a great deal to journey that has realized the current reform. Thank you for showing us the necessity and possibilities of accommodating differences through joining different political parties with divergent views. Your political walk demonstrated the beauty of diversity in unity. Thank you for your endurance, courage and legacies you left behind.

Lastly, we are obliged to accept your departure with hearts that are heavy but filled with gratitude for what you did for us. Though it is a great loss for us at this moment when we need an intellectual with rich experiences in nation’s history and politics, there can surely be no greater honor than that a man should die after serving at the highest duty post of his country.

The Ethiopian   Herald May 7/2019

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