Looking up the painting above from a distance, I saw many roads that branch out into different directions. So, I thought it is a portrayal of life as roads symbolized the real facets of life. When I drew closer, I met the painter and asked whether the message encapsulated in the painting is just as I described it. “Did I read your mind?”She said,” yes” but asked me to give it a second look. In fact, when I got closer I deciphered an Amharic word that reads “word” itself. The painter Misrak Zewde said it is the quality and power of abstract painting carrying across different messages to different people. And, it is all fine. Abstract art does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of a visual reality but instead use shapes, colours, forms and gestural marks to achieve its effect.

Misrak says the inspiration of this painting came from her strong belief that words wield influence over people for the good or bad. Misrak has similar views with the biblical phrase: “Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.” She is of the opinion that the good words we speak shape people, alter attitude and do have strong impact whether we turnout successful or unsuccessful in our lives. Therefore, with this thought Misrak paints such pictures to remind people they should be careful and meticulously choose good words to change the world and particulary this country for the good. “ I try to exploit abstract art such as forms and words so that I engage people’s attention. I believe such words instill some ideas on visitors. Abstract with its impression and mystriousness can engage a family into discussion. Accordingly, I want my paintings to be a food for thought.”

Misrak was born and brought up in Addis Ababa. She began drawing from childhood but she was a freelancer for most of her life as she is a graduate of business. She uses art to express her thoughts, reflections and her curiosity about nature; she shares various concerns with fellow citizens. With the picture “Gize” or time, Misrak attempts to motivate people to make their life impactful using their time properly and leaving good legacies.

For Misrak life will be meaningful if people engage in their calling. That itself could be counted a success even if it is not unattended by financial return, she emphasized. “Life is short. Before our ephemeral existence grinds to a halt we should do what we think we are born for. What are we passionate about? What legacy do we want to leave at the end of our days? I think that makes life meaningful. When we live such life we will be joyful. Otherwise, we will be empty deep down. We will feel we haven’t accomplished anything in our lives.”

But lucky for her, she is doing what she thinks she is born for generating income at the same time. She says the painting business in Ethiopia is encouraging as there is a growing trend that people are adorning their houses, offices, hotels with paintings that have meanging and beauty at the same time. As to her, people are expressing their views, identities and culture through purchasing paintings and hanging them on their walls. They are also giving paintings as gifts for their loved ones. So it is fair to say painting is in the meantime more encouraged than ever before. The business also stimulates painters to be daring and come up with various painting styles and production. As Misrak admires traditional painitng styles, she thinks exploring African painting patterns and styles and blending with it local touch is sensible and beneficeral.

“I use African patern. African identity, culture. If I use Ethiopian alone, it would be narrow and won’t let me promote Ethiopian art efficently. We have similar cultures. For our alphabet to be promoted enough, we have to see theirs and find ways. We need to respect and should be equally proud of other African brothers and sisters’ culture. Hence, I think blending ours with other African painting styles will be helpful. That is what I like to do. I also blend the western styles too.”

Misrak is a big fan of Ethiopian legendry artist most Honorable world Laureate Maitre Artist Afewerk Tekle. She hopes to continue sharing her feelings and thoughts through such abstract paintings. In doing so, she will also inspire and make art lovers and people in general to be mindful of things they think small such as words. Good words attract postive energy and that energy can change community, country and even the world as for Misrak.


The Ethiopian herald may 12/2022

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