Each word is as wide as the land,

And that word is your magic wand,

It can make you strong and healthy,

Yes, you’ll become wise and wealthy.

Or it can shake you with poverty,

Challenging fully your identity,

If you harp on sadness and blue,

No miss, it will surely find you.

You can toss a day billions of words,

That bleeds and wounds you with swords,

Or it is a cure for your pain,

Takes you up the ladder in gain,

As you will sow, so you will reap,

Not in a thimble but in a heap,

Speak of happiness, you grasp success,

Speak of sorrow, you grab distress.

Ring the bell of sorrow all day long,

Failure comes in parade, ding-dong,

Tip off positive words to get the bill,

For the arm with which poverty to kill,

True, your word is indeed faithful,

It makes you smart or simply a fool,

Yes, it can be a pill that kills,

Or can be a panacea that heals.

Self-abasement is self-destruction,

As limited self-praise is self-construction,

Then, the wisdom lies in your choice,

To dwell in sorrow or happiness,

Positive words seasoned with action,

Helps one start on a solid foundation,

Negative words chorused by action,

Leads one to a total destruction,

Sell yourself a bill of happiness,

That fights away sorrow ’n illness,

Your word is a well-charged magnet,

Say it ’n it holds you in its net.

The sweet word that rings in the songs,

I can tell, to whom it belongs,

For I know well that port of call,

It’s of the optimist, I recall.

Take the lesson from Camara,

Very exemplar in this era,

Conceived with positive vibration,

Born a hero into globalization,

Camara with its strong seed of hope,

Fought the reign of poverty to stop,

With its words of positive vibrations,

Toiled day ’n night thru many nations,

Camara goes up the sierra,

Runs down the valleys extra,

To reach the children, unreachable,

To build a world-wide ICT muscle,

Camara with its word ’n goals bold,

Gains success in parades untold,

It walks tall in the hall of fame,

For its word is the name of the game.

By Demissew Bekele Mulugeta


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