How to make educational institutions centers of innovation

In terms of learning-teaching process, the innovation aspects at educational institutions are mainly boosting creativity focused on scientific innovation and technological advancement. The end product is emergence of projects that could really change the life of the people next to learning something new.

In a news release, published on the Ministry of Education’s website, titled “A draft guideline for proper management of student innovations,” said that MOE’s has set “a draft directive to further strengthen the innovations of students in science, technology, engineering, art and Mathematics in order to further strengthen the existing system of student’s innovation efforts in the education institutions. It has been heard repeatedly and emphasized that, “students need to be intensively focused on transforming the knowledge they have received in classroom into problem-solving inventions on the ground.

These are the types of creativity, innovation and learning new ideas that have made the interlink between innovation and educational institutions. However, the facts so far indicated that this is being sidelined by these institutions. The fact that, innovations in math and science are currently supported through technological mechanisms and emphasized the needs and talents of students is believed to be improving.

At a national level, efforts are underway to launch an entrepreneurship competition called ‘generation unlimited’ that will bring together five cities in collaboration with the Ethiopian Ministry of entrepreneurship and skill development agencies. The efforts are the biggest scheme in the world to build that aspiration to develop the skills and to create 1.8 billion young people with creative jobs, connect them with a variety of job opportunities and make them entrepreneurs.

Accordingly, for young people who have different business ideas, to starting a job after the competition will give them up to 100,000 birr. “It is appropriate to remember what was said:” The competition is global, it will be implemented in more than 35 countries, and it will enable young entrepreneurs in Ethiopia to focus on ideas that accelerate the success of sustainable development goals.

Currently, the young people in Ethiopia, be it from educational institutions and out are seen presenting great innovations. However, as per the past trends in the country due to lack of funds, many of them are not seen moving into action. Such kinds of international business development projects are important to help the young people in Ethiopian in order to change business ideas in to practical projects which can change theirs and that of others.

To this effect, such innovational projects could not be developed only by individual entrepreneurs but also as an institution in order to be sustainable. For this, “Debre Birhan Polytechnic College has prepared and supplied the barley and wheat output machine which will save the time and energy of farmers in light of the geographic composition of the area. The organizers stressed that extensive work should be done by supplying the equipment to the market at affordable price and making especially young farmers handle the machine. “The current information and the innovation have been said could solve the problems that the local farmers have been facing. It is understandable that these efforts are promising signs, though it demands long way to go to ensure that this doesn’t go backward or stagnate.

It is also recommended that a good entrepreneur or innovator should be responsible, hardworking, self-reliant, morally resilient, strong-willed, and stable-willed, MOE’s imbued with leadership qualities, customer-oriented, good-communications skills displaying ones and team workers. They as well must show mobilization, leadership, openness to innovation, new ideas generation approaches, openness to others’ opinions, self-interest in the subject matter, analytical skills, plan, prediction, economic thinking, customer-oriented bent, being able to be knowledgeable in legal matters.

In general, as we look into it from the birds-eye view, innovation is the basic factor for the world to be like what it is now. Thus, in order to moving forward, the prime focus of our education institutions should be innovation and the translation of new ideas in to problem solving applicable projects. Every party’s effort is needed to ensure that the Ministry of Works and Skill development’s goal of “leading Ethiopia’s job creation agenda” and the creation of “20 million jobs by 2030” are to be achieved.



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