Sharing beyond Holidays

All holidays have both spiritual and social values to every citizen. In a society like Ethiopia where religions have a special role for social bondage and cultural integration, holidays play a significant role in bringing families, friends, neighbors and others into a single roof. Sharing ideas and special cultural meals among members of the family or neighbors is one essence of holidays. These special events put people who are found in different cultures into a single space with common value systems.

Whenever holidays arrive, the economic gap of the society becomes visible. It is the moment where the haves must feel the pain of the have-nots. It should be at this moment the true meaning of love must be expressed.

As it was witnessed lately, almost all Ethiopians had been expressing their love to fellow needy Ethiopians through sharing what they got to those people in need. While marking Easter, Ethiopians have portrayed their true identity by sharing food commodities and other household consumptions to the needy, elderly people and street boys.

The role of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) and others is a good example in this regard. Lately, while preparing to mark the Easter holiday, the Prime Minister has shared meals to 230 needy Ethiopians at the Palace

 According to him, sharing is one ingredient of Ethiopians. This support to the needy is one way of showing love and respect to each other.

Helping the needy, elderly citizens and individuals with mental health problems should not only be considered as a charity. It should be taken as a responsibility of every Ethiopian. As it was recently indicated by the Minister of Women and Social Affairs, Dr. Ergoge Tesfaye, supporting those Ethiopians in need of help is not an option. It is the responsibility of every Ethiopian.

As it was repeatedly indicated by religious leaders during their benediction, Passover (Fasika) should be taken seriously not only as a day of satisfying one’s desire. It should also be a day where everyone should feel the pain of others by sharing with the needy. Every Ethiopian should put himself/herself in the shoes of others to feel what hunger and hardship means. As it was stressed by Ethiopian Catholic Church Celery Council President, Archbishop Cardinal, Berhaneyesus Demerew Souraphiel, Easter is all about love, sacrificing one’s interest and sharing with others.

Indeed, all religions are founded based on the pillar of love, peace and sharing. As holidays are times where Ethiopians gather to mark the day with love, supporting the needy should be part and parcel of that special day. Helping others should not only be limited to a single holyday. Helping others must be a day to day activity.

Sharing is one of the core values of every religion. Whenever people learn to share with others they are sowing a love seed in the heart of the receiver. Life is not always about what we get, it is also about what we can give to others. At the end of the day, our giving will give our heart a sense of fulfillment and joy that the world and all its treasures could not offer. It is also in giving to others that we can teach them to do the same.

In his recent interview with this journalist, Associate Professor, Adem Kemil, said that religion is all about love and sharing. The true essence of religion is creating harmony among the people. Ethiopia has received Christianity in the 350 AD and Islam in 615 AD. Religion has a key role for earthly as well as heavenly life. Man is born out of flesh and spirit. For that very reason religions have to play a key role towards guiding human kind towards peace, love and sympathy.

The secret behind every blessing is sharing. Those people who have something to share with are always blessed. Whenever an individual shares with others, he/she will earn tenfold. Providing support to the needy will create equity and fill the gaps of the needy.


The Ethiopian Herald  26 April    2022

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