CSO Agency begins registration under new law

ADDIS ABABA – Agency for Civil Society Organizations announced yesterday the beginning of re-registration of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) based on the newly enacted law, proclamation No. 1113/2011. Briefing journalists, Agency’s Director General Jima Dilbo said CSOs re-registration is one of the requirements to operate legally in the country.

The former law stood in contradiction with international conventions on the right to association, he said, adding that the new law opened better landscape for CSOs operations. Unlike the previous days, CSOs can now raise funds both from local and foreign sources in addition to participating in advocacy related issues, according to him.

“The new proclamation ensures the benefits of youth, women and children.” For his part, Agency Deputy Director General Fassikaw Molla adds that the new law entitles CSOs to engage in trade and investment related works but the profit they make should be funneled to the coffers of CSO themselves. He also noted as CSOs selfregulation is encouraged on the new law to enable their management systems transparent and accountable.

Speaking to The Ethiopian Herald, Agency’s Communication Director Mesfin Tadese said CSOs that were registered under the previous law could retain their certificate numbers. And they can also modify and/or change their objectives, by laws and logos. The process is open for one year period and 4,000 CSOs are expected to get re-registered, it was learnt.

The Ethiopian herald April26/2019


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