Not to face the grotesque face of corruption

Corruption has many grotesque faces such as bribery, embezzlement, nepotism, procrastination, and bureaucratic red tape, mismanagement of hard-won resources and wastage of precious working hours.

The rent-seeking bent poses logjams to service delivery that embitter service seekers and prompt them to point accusatory fingers against the government. It as well slackens socio and economic activities.

Hence, when driven to its crescendo corruption sours the relationship between people and the government paving ways for chaos. The repercussion of corruption could go a long way to unfold as this case is evidenced in the construction sector. The wrong-clicking or the greasing of palms between contractors and corrupt government officials and the underhand works done below the surface could result in the collapse of buildings resulting in financial loss not to mention the mayhem and deaths of people. It is not hard to surmise the consequence of a driving license given to a driver not well trained.

A book I read entitled “Corruption Kills You and Your Nation” by traffic policeman-turned-preacher Reverend Ouko, Joseph, J. of Kenya aside from defining bribery it sheds light on the attendant ills of bribery enumerating factors that create a hotbed for the mushrooming of the social malice. Borrowing instances drawn from life as a traffic policeman, it showcases how one could lead life impregnable to corruption. Expounding on why corruption is wrong Reverend Ouko Joseph notes the following lines of reasoning. It is wrong because God (Almighty) condemns it.

Corruption makes people unruly to God. Hence corruption proves a sign of moral decadence and a wrong practice begging for the punitive measures of the Omnipotent, he notes. Reading the book I reflected corruption is a foul play for it blindfolds the eyes of leaders stripping them of power to unerringly deliver justice. Concerning this, God’s word warns leaders. At this juncture it suffices to allude to the Holy Books—Bible and Koran. “You levy a straw tax on the poor and impose a tax on their grain.

Therefore, though you have built stone mansions, you will not live in them; though you have planted lush vineyards, you will not drink their wine, “stresses Amos 5:11 “The greedy bring ruin to their households, but the one who hates bribes will live,” Paslm 15:27 “Who break the covenant of Allah after contracting it and sever that which Allah has ordered to be joined and cause corruption on earth. It is those who are the losers.” (2:30) Ouko reiterates corruption does not only turn leaders blind to justice it as well divest them of their power.

“The wicked accept bribes in secret to pervert the course of justice,” Paslm 17:23. It compels them to project the characteristics of the wicked. They will lose the trust citizens have on them. As they entertain a rent-seeking bent they lose self-esteem and selftrust.

The corrupt develop many enemies. Pertaining to what the fruits of corruption are, the author notes the corrupt will have a tarnished image to lose niche in the general public’s heart. They are doomed to lose one’s wrongly-amassed wealth. Regarding what must be done to avert corruption Ouko’s book emphasizes that citizens must respect the rule of the land. They must show integrity.

They must be revolted by the sin of corruption. Based on these virtues, if children are brought up imbibing the aforementioned warnings they will stay aloof from indulging in the filth of corruption. PM Abiy in his speech to the parliament this week capitalized on the fact that children of the corrupt

end up addicts or delinquent juveniles for what goes around comes around so stay clear of corruption.

Those who walk righteously and speak what is right, who reject gain from extortion and keep their hands from accepting bribes, who stop their ears against plots of murder and shut their eyes against contemplating evil—16 they are the ones who will dwell on the heights, whose refuge will be the mountain fortress. Their bread will be supplied, and water will not fail them, Isaiah 33:15-16. Citizens must strictly adhere to these principles. S/he who abhors corruption will have a higher place.

S/he will not stop short of bread and water. Referring to the corrupt, the book Bribery Kills You and Your nation, alludes to the bible about the punitive measure that awaits them. On revelation 9:6 it says And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.

The book at the opening chapters lists cases that could force people to indulge in corruption. Among the reasons are found modest income that doesn’t allow from hand-to mouth life, lack of awareness on the ugliness of corruption and negative consequences.

Some takes corruption as a work of mercy. They are seen going astray finding a pretext from misconstrued quotes from bible worker deserves his bread “Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain,” and “The worker deserves his wages.”1Timothy 5:18 Elaborating the push factors behind corruption, he ascribes them to when the breaker of the law or offender wants to evade punitive measures. Another reason resides in the executive’s decision to undermine the rule of the land.

Lured by the bribe and stooping to gluttony when the executive decides to take bribe. Investigative journalism could serve a key tool to uproot corrupt practices such as Project handling in our country for most projects is tardy in seeing completion forcing the government to incur losses. This much said about the book I would like to commend the following.

The assault being mounted against corruption could hardly come anywhere near success if the government is single alone in carrying out the uphill battle. The fact that, more often, this evil act is carried out on the sly makes the fight against it a rocky one.

To insulate themselves from suspicion and to dupe citizens, some government employees that run the gamut from a minister to a clerk are active in vehemently denouncing corruption in the open, while foxily taking bribes.

The corrupt have a tongue of honey but a heart of gal. They daily fatten at the cost of millions badly in need of bare necessities. Instead of tapping the government that appointed them on the back corrupt officials stab it in the back tarnishing its image by d i s p l e a s i n g service seekers, enthusiastic to see good governance see the day’s light in their country during their life span.

Needless to say, unless addressed in good time the absence of good governance could scare away potential supporters of the ruling party. Where corruption has turned a challenge, gaining popular support is remote in the extreme. Political crisis results from corruption, one of the symptoms of maladministration.

This situation, during political debates affords some opposition parties, often with a bent of elevating a particular instance into a general truth and mudslinging, ample mud to pelt the ruling party with.

Corruption scares away potential investors too. Here one could reflect that officials, who know the law, say the tax or anticorruption law could easily get loopholes that enable or embolden them for personal ends. That is exactly what facts on the ground throw light on.

This should be heeded well on the ongoing fight against corruption. Corruption, which has many tentacles, lurks underground. Hence, to keep it at bay all eyes must be alert. Here, we have make note that the corruption fight must not be confined to government offices. The sword need also be unsheathed against pilferers in private companies like Banks and Insurances as well as NGOs.

Vampires have to be combed out from every institution to drain out the grotesque mindset that has a contagious effect. Tightening the law and quaffing the lust of the corrupt in the bud alone may not bring the desired result in arresting corruption.

There is a call for rooting out the entrenched mentality. Hence, the fight to reverse the tide of corruption has to be backed up by popular support. It has long become an established fact that Ethiopians spare no effort when it comes to national development.

Like bees from their hive, Ethiopians are famous known for standing one when the sovereignty of the nation is put at stake. It is not therefore demanding to get citizens aboard the anti-corruption fight, for many are who tasted the bitterness of this social ill to the full. Regarding the backing up of the anti-corruption commission by an all-out support, Civic organizations and also other organizational set ups put in place in Addis and also in regions must play a conspicuous role.

It is heartening to note “Earmarking their own budget, religious institutions, of their own volition, preparing teaching materials and letting the Anticorruption Commission evaluate it, sensitize their followers about the wickedness of corruption.

They are lending force to the anti -corruption battle. This must keep going” The commendable participation of the public in the combing out work done few years back in the Tax and Custom Office, the National Bank and the Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation depicts the anti-corruption fight is gathering momentum. The registration of property is in the same wave length. Apart from ramming home the ugliness of corruption, this move has created an ardent passion among citizens to be front line campaigners.

The commission realizing the indispensability of taking citizens on board in the fight against corruption is working on an organizational set up that galvanizes all for action. This foreshadows success will cup the measures the government is taking to ensure good governance. Regional anti-corruption commissions need replicate the fight nationwide.

For Ethiopia’s journey to affluence and renaissance to hack through the undergrowth of corruption that threatens encumbrance and to save the hard-won wealth of the country and also that of citizens from lechers, the commission must envisage to redouble anti-corruption fights in revenue & tax collection, land administration and justice delivery, among others.

At a larger scale the commission is fighting corruption and maladministration without partiality bringing before the court of law all suspects including highly posted government officials. Transparency and accountability in the fight will certainly propel the fight.

It was with great shock I learnt the presence of bribe takers in the military willing to compromise the sovereignty of the country falling preys to the pitfall of enemies. I was equally shocked when I learnt some international media houses that are supposed to expose corruption take bribes to come up with fake news. The fight against corruption will not be a cake walk. Yet we have to fight it out undauntedly,


The Ethiopian Herald  24 February  2022

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