Agency Affirmed 82 New standards

Ethiopian Standards Agency approved 82 new standards related to the construction industry and civil engineering sector. Describing the affirmation, Director General of the Agency, Endalew Mekonen remarked that the affirmation of new standard is aimed at scaling up quality in the nation’s construction and civil engineering sector.

As to him, many gaps were witnessed in the sector. Thus, many requirements were missing. Adding, 2 standards were accepted while 35 revised. The newly affirmed standards are set based on the International Standard Organization (IOS) regulatory principals, he added.

 The construction and civil engineering industry has been challenged by less qualified inputs of construction. Thus, many buildings have faced fragmentation within a short period, he recalled. “The agency will never compromise standard deficiency pertaining to construction and construction inputs”, he described.

 Beyond approval of the standards, the agency is striving for the implementation of national standards within public policy and bills, as information from the agency indicates. Agency’s Communication Director, Yisma Jiru capitalized the newly affirmed standards as basic guidance to public policy since they fulfill the requirements of each internationally recognized standards.

Ethiopian Urban Development and Construction Minister Jantrar Abay also told journalist on press conference held on April 2019, that the ministry is committed to take all measures regarding construction quality shortfalls to strengthen the construction sectors and add to its development.

Regarding standards, Ethiopia Bedecha told The Ethiopian Herald that the ministry is obliged to meet standards which are affirmed by ESA. It will strive to ensure standards are implemented to the letter. But still the newly affirmed standards have not been explained to the ministry, he remembered.

The Ethiopian Herald April 21/2019


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