ADDIS ABABA/ENA/- Africa cannot hope to attain the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) without peace, stability, human rights, and effective governance based on the rule of law, says United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA).
Economic Affairs Officer for Macroeconomics and Governance Division at ECA, Eunice Ajambo said Africa was making progress in trying to address issues connected to Goal 16 of Agenda 2030 for SDGs but more still needs to be done. Speaking in a parallel meeting at the on-going 5th Africa Regional Forum for Sustainable Development (ARFSD) in Marrakesh, Morocco on Thursday, she emphasized the need to ensure peace and stability across the continent. SDG 16 is about promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, providing access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.
“Some countries are doing much better than others. Some enjoy sustained peace, security and prosperity, while others are struggling,” she told participants to the parallel meeting for in-depth review, peer learning and dialogue on the sub-theme of ensuring peace, justice, and strong institutions. “As the basis of all activity, peaceful, just and inclusive societies are necessary to achieve the goals,” she added.
He pointed out that stronger efforts are needed to encourage good governance, transparent and accountable leadership alongside effective institutions, responsive and effective global partnerships. In this regard, appropriate and results-oriented human and institutional capacity-development strategies and programmes are crucial, Eunice Ajambo said.
Moreover, robust efforts needed to strengthen national human rights institutions in order to ensure accountability, rule of law and access to justice in the context of SDG implementation, she stated. Solidarity of African states in the field of security, to limit the consequences of trans-boundary crises should be strengthened, including advocacy at the international level for security finance in Africa, she underscored.
The Ethiopian Herald April 21/2019