”Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much‘

The terrorist TPLF group in areas of Amhara and Afar states it had invaded and controlled for a short period of time has caused extensive human and material damages. Regardless of any differences, it massacred innocent civilians, looted, and vandalized public and private properties. In deliberate and targeted widespread attacks, the terrorist group has destroyed service rendering facilities; including healthcare centers, education institutions, religious establishments and banks in a manner aimed to make them non-functional to leave the communities with no or limited options and worsen their sufferings.

In fact, currently the government along with the Diaspora community and partners is undertaking massive activities to restore war affected areas, to reestablish damage facilities, re-equipped vandalized facilities and rehabilitate displaced communities.

As a result, encouraging improvements are witnessed. For instance, hospitals and schools that were vandalized and wrecked by the rebel group have now become operational and started rendering services.

Kombolcha General Hospital is the best showcase in this regard. The Hospital was totally vandalized and wrecked by the insurgents of the terrorist faction; but now it has managed to maintain its usual functioning.

In similar way, people who were displaced owing to the invasion of the terrorist group have started returning back to their former places.

However, owing to the magnitude of the attack, even these days, there are thousands of peoples whose houses were looted, burned and damaged; and they became homeless and exposed to many sided challenges. Children are left orphan, several women have become widows, and elder people remained destitute because death has snatched their dearest and closest helpers.

As part of government’s re-establishment efforts commenced to rehabilitate people affected by the war thereby address the challenges in more organized and coordinated manner, the “One Family for One Diaspora” movement is commenced. Several Diasporas have also joined the movement.

Launching the movement organized by Ministry of Women and Social Affairs and President Office, President Sahle-Work Zewde said that the war provoked by the terrorist TPLF faction in the adjacent areas of Amhara and Afar states has brought enormous human and material devastation. Due to this, the rehabilitation endeavors need enhanced support and collaboration from the Diaspora community and local people.

It is public knowledge that, the terrorist TPLF with the covert approval of some western powers invaded the Amhara and Afar states, causing tremendous humanitarian crises and material destructions, the President reiterated.

“The government is working to rebuild war-torn areas and rehabilitate displaced people. However, as the government alone will not achieve the target, the community and non-government organizations have also taken part,” she said.

The “One Family for One Diaspora” agreement signed between the Ministry of Women and Social Affairs, and the Diaspora members would help to support peoples who are residing in Amara and Afar states and affected by the war.

As to her, the program enables the Diaspora community to provide support up to four people (orphans, widows or elders) who are affected by the war, exposed to various challenges and unable to support their families through assisting financially on monthly basis. Backing children and families in the rehabilitation initiation is instrumental to bring about substantial change.

The “One Family for One Diaspora” initiative will be implemented based on consent where a single diaspora member will sponsor four children. Moreover, support will be provided to a family member or child in the area where they live, up to 800 Birr per month, she further elaborated.

However, apart from offering assistance, much work should be done in peace building, and violence prevention to wither issues that enflames conflicts.

At this critical juncture, in addition to the contribution made by all citizens, the country needs support from its children living across the world to rebuild the damaged infrastructure and rehabilitate war-affected communities.

Appreciating the Diaspora communities who vowed to support victims of the conflict, the President underscored as much work remains to be done.

She also urged for enhanced Diaspora engagement in rehabilitating war-affected communities.

President Sahle-Work, in support of the movement, pledged to support four children who are affected by the conflict in sustainable manner until they reach their teenage years.

Minister of Women and Social Affairs, Dr. Ergoge Tesfaye on her part said that the government is making various efforts to rehabilitate the victims of the war, but the scale of the problem requires the efforts of all.

Ethiopian Diaspora has played a critical role in addressing the socio-economic devastation, committed by the terrorist TPLF aggression.

Many members of the Diaspora Community have also joined the “One Family for One Diaspora” movement; and they will soon receive the families they support.

As a result, she said, there will be a program for members of the Diaspora to meet with their newly formed families and start their careers.

Not only that; but members of the Diaspora have also expressed their readiness to work responsibly to replace the houses and facilities destroyed by the wicked acts of the terrorist group.

Mentioning that such experience could not be left to the Diaspora community alone, the Minister has called on local people who are capable enough to join the voluntary movement and support families affected by the war.

Even if local people could not rehabilitate a whole family, the Minister urged them to join the ‘One Child for one Family’ movement.

She also thanked the Diaspora for their support of the “One Family for One Diaspora” program, which aims to support children, women and the elderly in need.

“The Diaspora as well as local people should continue supporting the rehabilitation initiation and play an active role, as the challenge demands a great deal of effort and commitment,” she remarked.



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