Active community mobilization key to rehabilitate IDPs

This year, Ethiopia has suffered a lot due to the orchestrated conflicts of nation’s internal and external enemies. Numerous Ethiopians in the northern part of the country have been severely affected by the recent war provoked by the remnants of the terrorist Tigray Peoples’ Liberation Front (TPLF). The inhuman terrorist TPLF members have slaughtered innocent civilians including children, women, and elders. Hundreds of thousands of people who were living in different towns of the Amhara and Afar states where the insurgents have carried out inhuman crimes displaced fearing the devilish terrorist TPLF atrocities. Following this, the terrorist TPLF remnants have vandalized and damaged important public and private properties and service providing facilities.

Currently, there are numerous Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) that becomes homeless. The terrorist groups (TPLF and Shene) committed shocking atrocities on the peoples of Amhara and Afar states. Sadly enough, the cold-blooded acts and the massacre perpetuated against the Amhara and Afar peoples by the groups left unnoticed by external entities; but advocate their activities.

Some ill-minded international media and relief agencies clearly have shown their partnership with the terrorist groups and tried to blackmail the good image of Ethiopia, and the government elected by the public. These media and relief agencies intentionally have opened misinformation campaign against Ethiopia, and provided material and psychological supports to the terrorist TPLF group to succeed its mission of disintegrating the motherland, Ethiopia. These international media and relief agencies have turned a blind and deaf ear to the reality on the ground-mass genocide of the Amhara and Afar mothers, children, and youths, looting of public and private properties including vandalizing of relief agencies’ warehouses.

Recently, the House of Federation Speaker and Organization for Rehabilitation and Development in Amhara (ORDA) Board of Directors Chairman Agegnehu Teshager said that ORDA is supporting in the comprehensive efforts of rebuilding infrastructure destroyed by the terrorist TPLF group in the Amhara State.

During ORDA’s 12th General Assembly held in Bahir Dar Town, Agegnehu said that ORDA has been carrying out various development projects to improve the lives of the people of the Amhara State over the past years. Such organizations are contributing their part through rehabilitating the victims and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). In particular, ORDA has benefited the people of the State by supporting low-income citizens and creating jobs to numerous youths. ORDA has made a significant contribution to the construction of safe drinking water, irrigation and other social services.

The government recognizes the involvement of different public and private organizations’ towards sustainably rehabilitating the IDPs.

Amhara State President Yilkal Kefale (PhD) for his part said, “ORDA is undertaking social and economic development in the State, and making significant contributions by building small-scale irrigation systems, creating job opportunities, potable water and forestry resources for the benefit of the farmers.” ORDA continues doing its part to rehabilitate those people displaced by the terrorist TPLF attack, he added.

ORDA Ethiopia Executive Director Alemayehu Wassie Eshetie (PhD) announced that the year 2021 was full of challenges due to COVID-19 pandemic and internal conflict followed by massive death, displacement, resource destruction and instability in the Amhara and Afar states.

“ORDA Ethiopia extensively revised its plan to carry out relief, rehabilitation and development activities including reconstruction of destroyed institutions. It has been supporting emergency food assistance to the internally displaced people, particularly women, the elderly, girls, children and persons with disabilities in both states.”

According to him, ORDA Ethiopia honors the existing funding donors for their unwavering support and calls on international and bilateral organizations, other funding institutions, implementing partners and stakeholders to work in harmony and offer a financial, technical and material support for the needy people. The participation of every individuals, organizations, and stakeholders is fundamental to sustainably rehabilitate and make enormous changes in the livelihoods of the people who are in need of urgent supports. ORDA Ethiopia has so far provided over 128 million Birr humanitarian food aid in Debre Birhan IDPs Center.

The support enables proving People with immediate assistance who fled out of their home and localities from North Wollo, Waghemra, South Wollo Zones as well as the neighboring Afar State that have been relocated to Debre Birhan and other woredas in North Shoa Zone. Many of them suffer a lot in severe malnutrition and poor hygiene and sanitation and psychological disorders.

Accordingly, the Ethiopian government announced that it is working strenuously to rehabilitate IDPs sustainably. The National Disaster Risk Management Commission (NDRMC) is working hand in hand with local and international humanitarian agencies to provide adequate supports the IDPs and drought affected communities in various parts of the country.

According to information from National Disaster Risk Management Commission (NDRMC), the support provided by donors is timely and very important for the displaced people. All Ethiopians from all walks of life are contributing their part through the motto “Ethiopia’s problem is my problem, my people’s problem is my problem.” it added.

In sum, it is the right time to prove Ethiopian togetherness and the culture of helping each other to save the victims of the war from post-conflict socio-economic challenges though active public mobilizations. It requires significant resources and further participation of Ethiopians home and abroad towards sustainably rehabilitate the IDPs and return them to the former status.



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