Administration calls on investors to tap apple production potential

AZERNET BERBERE, SNNP – Western Azerenet Berbere Woreda/ district of the Silte Zone administration called on investors to exhaustively unlock potential for the production of apple.

The Silte Zone of the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples state produces over 16,000 quintals of apple per year. Out of the Zone’s 480 hectares of land suitable for apple production, only 54 hectares have so far been cultivated.

Model farmers are now producing up to 700 quintals of apple per hectare annually. But still, the annual average apple production per hectare is around 300 quintals.

According to Hairedin Mohamed, ANRO Horticulture Coordinator at West Azernet Berbere Woreda, the increase in the production and productivity of apple is changing the farmers’ lives.

The production of apple is changing the lives of model farmers and those who have managed to establish market linkage in particular.

For instance, Heji Kemal, a model  farmer in the Woreda is earning more than 150,000 ETB per year by selling apple products.

Fedlu Ahmed, another farmer in the Muggo kebele, said that, some 10 years ago, agricultural experts gave training to the farmers on the production of pomegranates from shrimp. Then, he began to grow apple seed by importing from Chencha Arba Minch. Currently, he is selling his apple to retailers and is able to meet the basic need of his household.

In fact, if he sells his apple to Lera, the major town of the woreda, he would be able to earn more. However, due to the absence of market linkages and adequate infrastructures such as roads, transportation, and poor water supply, he is not earning as much as he could. “If we have adequate water supply and market linkage with urban centers, we would be benefited more,” he said.

Similarly, Bedlu Shikurala, a resident of Muggo area, said that the local community has been benefited from the production in the last seven years. He has 20 apple trees that are bearing fruit. “In terms of income, producing apple is much better than any other crop,” he said.

The Ethiopian Herald April 18, 2019


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