Opportunities within the hurdle

Ethiopia is still welcoming its guests flocking from all parts of the world. The Great Ethiopian Homecoming Challenge that brought the Diasporas community together has also initiated others to visit Ethiopia. Several of them are witnessing the political stability of the country and enjoying their stay.

Despite all the disinformation campaign against Ethiopia and all the political challenges, Ethiopia has still kept its historical identity in the global tourism sector.

It is undeniable fact that the last three years had left a bad scar on the global tourism industry. Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic and other economic constraints, the tourism sector was affected badly. This though is not different to Ethiopia, following the political reformation; the tourism sector here in Ethiopia has witnessed tremendous changes and refreshment.

This is especially true with regard to local tourism that has a great contribution to the sector. The opening of new tourist attraction sites in the capital Addis Ababa- Unity Park, Sheger Park, Entoto Park and others- is good indication to this.

Hundreds of Diaspora tourists who are flocking each day to the newly opened parks in Addis Ababa are the other demonstration to this. As this journalist witnessed recently, several tourists amazed by the newly opened parks in Addis Ababa and have been expressing their admiration.

Yednekachew Ambaw, is among those Diaspora tourists whom this reporter met him at Sheger Park while he was enjoying the green area that is found in front of the National Palace. While approached by this journalist, he was busy taking pictures. According to him, some years back this area was full of shanty houses and it was uninviting even to pass through. “Nowadays, it is changed totally. Everything in Sheger Park is now catchy. The green area is also tempting to children to play freely and spend memorable time.”

The other individuals whom this journalist approached were a newly married couple who preferred anonymity. They were found in Sheger Park to take wedding pictures. The bride and the groom look so beautiful in their wedding clothes. Asked what their feelings were about the Park, they said, in short words “This is amazing!!” “The artificial lake that was created within the Park, the terrace, the green areas and the bazaar within the Park has refreshing values. That is why we prefer to take pictures here.”

According to them, Ethiopia is a land with marvelous tourist attraction sites. Preserving and converting them into tourist destinations builds the image of the nation.

Indeed, Ethiopia is a land with several tourist attraction sites. Proper utilization of these places has a multi-functional purpose. In addition to promoting the image of the country, it has also a great value in creating job opportunities and generating foreign currency.

Ethiopians have recently marked Ethiopian Gena (Christmas). Despite the traumas that were caused by the political unrest in the northern part of the country, Ethiopians celebrated the day by sharing what they have with the needy, friends and families.

After marking Gena, Ethiopians are now preparing to celebrate Timket festivity (Epiphany), which is also one of the major Christian holidays in Ethiopia. Since this is the year where Ethiopians successfully overcame the internal and external pressure, the day will have a significant place among the faithful ones. What is more, it will be a colorful holiday where Ethiopian Diasporas from all over the world have gathered in their homeland.

As a two days street festivity, Timket, has both religious and cultural values among Ethiopians. Since it is a day where Christians commemorate the Baptism of Jesus, almost all Christians will adore themselves with traditional costumes. This gives the holiday additional taste. As a land of multinational state, Ethiopians celebrate Timekt together where models of the Arks of the Covenant are stationed temporarily.

Ethiopia is a land blessed with several tourist attraction sites. However, this does not mean that the tourism sector is free from challenges. There are several constraints that hold back the progress of tourism in Ethiopia.

Despite its potential, there is still a gap in proper utilization of the blessings. There is common consensus among scholars that absence of skilled manpower in the area, poor promotion through international media and other matters have cripple sector’s progress.

In his paper regarding the challenges and opportunities of Tourism, TadesseKidane, stated that the practical challenges facing the tourism development sector include: significant absence of textual information on tourist destinations’ physical and cultural features; poor sanitation standards and conditions in smaller hotels and restaurants; chronic begging and ‘tourist baiting’ on streets and tourist sites. Equally, mismanagement and/or neglect of existing tourist destinations and resources; lack of trained manpower in the tourist corridor; neglect of important cultural sites and facilities (e.g. Addis Ababa Museum) and lack of strict control and regulation of tourist related infrastructures and services and site developments affect the sector negatively.

What is more, absence of tourist retaining mechanism impacts the tourism sector not to yield the expected results.

While talking about the existed opportunities he said, the major opportunity of tourism in Ethiopia, the country has ample attractions and potential that can improve the lives of people and the economies of communities at different geographical scales.

The country, if it uses opportunities like Meskel,(The Finding of True Cross)Timket (Epiphany), Irrecha, (Oromo people Thanksgiving festival), Fichee-Chambalaalla( a New Year festival of the Sidama people), and other special days, there is still a chance to benefit from the sector. What is more, investing in Diasporas to promote their country in different ways will also play its part. In this regard, working smartly and aggressively brings a positive result.



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