Every diaspora has unleashed potential to prosper Ethiopia

If there is any single soul that aspires to live with the despotic system of the TPLF junta, it is junta`s cliques, individuals who have been benefitting from the blood of poor and innocent Ethiopians.

The past twenty seven years were truly the times where unfortunate Ethiopians suffered at the hands of TPLF junta and its political system. For that very reason, millions of Ethiopians have been forced to flee their beloved country to save their precious life.

The report from several Diasporas who are coming home recently is testifying that almost for the last twenty seven years they have been far away from their beloved families and motherland. However, recently, following the Great Ethiopian Homecoming Challenge, Ethiopians and Ethiopia’s friends are flocking in mass to their beloved land.

Engineer Sileshi Tesemma, is one of the Ethiopians who came back to their motherland from London. In an exclusive interview with The Ethiopian Herald, Engineer Sileshi said that due to the nature of political structure of the TPLF led system; he was compelled to stay away from his loving family and Ethiopia for several years. For that reason, he could not provide professional support to Ethiopia. However, the current situation has provided him an opportunity to do his level best in areas of engineering.

According to him, while he was in England, what the Western media were talking about Ethiopia was shocking. All the defamations and distorted messages spread concerning Ethiopia had a power to persuade what did not actually happen in Ethiopia. “When I came to Ethiopia and learn the truth, the accounts were totally wrong. The reverse is true. What we witnessed with our own eyes and the white lies they were telling to the world was confusing. It really shows how pro-TPLF they are. All the lies and the fake news they were broadcasting through their media were manifestations that they were behind every chaos.”

The West might have tried to mislead the world; but Ethiopians have also shown the world not through fabricated news but through practice. All the attempts to disintegrate Ethiopia have brought us closer closely. The Great Ethiopian Homecoming is the best example in this regard.

The past years were difficult for Ethiopia. The country was not fighting only with the terrorist TPLF junta. It was also fighting with its drivers; the nation is fighting an African war. Being Ethiopian is something words cannot express. Every Ethiopian loves his/her country. “No matter where we live, our ears and eyes are always here. We do not want to hear bad news about our country. We may hold the passport of another country. But our soul is always in Ethiopia.”

Woyane led administration has totally created a mess in Ethiopia. They have created suspicion among Ethiopians. They used divide and rule strategy so as to remain in power. However, the last three years have witnessed a genuine change in the country. Despite all the instability, there is a shift in the system. The twenty seven years were times where several Ethiopians were forced to leave their land and several were tortured and imprisoned locally.

All the problems created by the terrorist TPLF junta and its drivers have brought an opportunity for Ethiopians to unite more and work together. Almost all the Diasporas are now flocking to their motherland to contribute their share. Every individual’s effort will have an aggregate result in the end. If every one of us contributes our share, we can rebuild our country within a short period of time. You can imagine what one million Ethiopian diaspora can do to their country.

“We can support Ethiopia in various ways. We can do it either professionally or raising funds in a sustainable manner. If we keep on doing that, we will not be dependent on foreign aid and become the plaything for the donors.”

When asked what roles the Diaspora can play in the new Ethiopia, Engineer Sileshi said, every Diaspora has something to invest in his/her country. For instance I am professional in Building Information Management and Digital Transformation. Using this skill I can provide training and share the know-how in the construction sector to various universities. I have held my second degree in Building Information Management (BIM). Thus, by sharing my knowledge and skills to my fellow Ethiopians I can discharge my responsibilities. Ethiopia is growing faster and shared skill from well developed countries is one key area to further help the economy.

“This is an individual engagement. But the more we work together; we can transfer the construction sector into better condition. Currently, we have organized a Society that promotes the construction sector in Ethiopia. We are also engaged in areas to reconstruct buildings that are damaged during the conflict.”

Using all the financial resources and other inputs, the Diaspora engineers are discussing ways of reconstructing buildings that were damaged during the war. As the saying goes “When there is will, there is way” if the Diaspora community has a will, there is a way to make change in the area of construction. Currently, an assessment is conducted in selected areas of Mezezo and Shewa Robit of Amhara State. “After discussing with the concerned organs, I have taken the responsibility to coordinate Ethiopian Diasporas in London so as to reinstate damaged areas in coordinated ways. The diaspora have a responsibility to help and support their country by all means.”

Indeed, history tells us that the already weakened political economy of Israel, India and other countries have been reinstated because of an active engagement of the Diaspora. These Diasporas had direct engagement in building their nation. Their sense of belongingness has nudged them to contribute their share in the economic development of their nation. Beyond their well-known roles as senders of remittances, Diasporas can also promote trade and foreign direct investment; create business opportunities and knowledge transfer. In this regard, the role which is being played by Eng. Sileshi and his associates are encouraging.

As the saying goes “Every seed has a tree in it”, every Diaspora is a selected seed to the new Ethiopia.



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