No matter how much evil there is, much more light than darkness comes

Zahara Ahmed, 16, and 7th grader, lives in Chifra Town of the Afar State. Zahara is best known by her community for minding her own manners and behaving with the right decorum.

Everyone, around her does not only agrees with this; but also gives his/her words as she has been a better performer at her education. Unfortunately, the moment the terrorist TPLF forces entered into Afar and Amhara states and promoted their evil intents on civilians, those bright girls that most people have put their trusts on them fell victim to the insurgents.

The wicked forces committed heinous crimes against the community that strongly condemns beating a woman let alone raping them. Sadly, the girls including Zahara who was originated from a community who have such strict cultural values became prey of a cold-blooded and sexually assaulted.

For those innocent women who were raped by forces of the rebellious faction against their will, the incident is the most disgracing and shameful act because it is against from the culture of the community.

Because they felt filthy and guilty and helpless, they isolated themselves from the society.

The same had happened to Zahara. Thus, keeping the painful incident to her was the first measure Zahara had taken. However, as time went by, the painful incident coupled with the feeling of resentment could not let her staying long in hiding. Therefore, she decided to return to her village.

“Around 10 o’clock, fighters of the TPLF group started shooting firearms. They were entering into our town. At that moment, I was out to buy something. When they saw me, they threatened me, and tried to force me to go along with them; but I refused and went to my business. Unfortunately, two members of the group were behind me. When I tried to escape, they beat me and hurt my hand badly. Then, they raped me.”

She went on saying that “Since I was a student, I had never had any affairs or relationships with a man. But, these immoral rebels raped me forcefully. I thought I was murdered when I saw myself bleeding.

I do not know what happened after that. I just fled to the nearby forest. I hide myself there for about a month. However, as time went by, my wound became worse and started aching me dreadfully. On the other hand, I had no place to go to get medical treatment.”

When the town was freed from TPLF forces, Zahra decided to return home because hiding there would not do her any good; except worsening her situation and deteriorating her physical and psychological wellbeing.

However, when she returned, her house was turned into ashes. Everything was stolen. They killed her father, brother and uncle. The only ones surviving from her families were merely the women.

Zahara said that apart from hearing the heartbreaking bad news of losing her family, she was suffering inside from the pain the injury caused her. However, she had no money and a place to stay for the night let alone affording to a medical care. “I would be happy if I had someone who understands my situation. It is for the sake of Afar women who are confining and suffering behind closed doors that I decided to go public. Everyone should know what the TPLF terrorist group perpetrated on me and my fellow sisters and mothers.”

Zahra Ali Areba is the other rape survivor who exposed the traitors’ inhuman acts. As to her, when the dissidents entered into the town of Chifra, they made the men leave the village as they were sure that the insurgents would not harm the women. However, as they entered into the town, they started shooting the rest of the men as well as their camels.

“As the gunfire increased, I went outside. That is when I fell into the hands of the terrorist forces. At the moment, they were six, but one member of the group approached me and hit me to the floor. He raped me while I fell on the ground.”

“Not only it is difficult considering the fact that I am a married woman but what happened to me is very contradictory to our cultural values and even deviate from human nature. Apart from the physical pain, the psychological trauma is also deep,” she stressed.

The first victim further highlighted that though she returned to Chifra to get a place to live and medical treatment, the cultural and psychological pressure forbade her from actively communicating with the society.

“Once my husband learnt what happened to me, he joined the militia. However, the group killed the brothers of my father and mother. When we returned to our village, our house and properties were destroyed. Though I came forward and dare to tell my story, there are a number of women who still put up with their pain, weep bitterly but silently. I ask everyone to get my voices across to those women who are hiding in pain.”



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