Unwavering commitment

Following government’s call for the Diaspora community to the Great Ethiopian Homecoming Challenge initiative, Ethiopian origins, and friends of Ethiopia are flocking to Ethiopia to celebrate the Ethiopian Gena (Christmas) and Ethiopian Timket (Epiphany) festivals along with their families.

Subsequently, last Wednesday, the official welcoming event was held at Friendship Park for the Diaspora community coming to Ethiopia from all corners of the world.

Speaking on the occasion, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister Demeke Mekonnen said that the Diaspora community over the last year has been denouncing external meddling in Ethiopia’s internal affairs based on the international #NoMore movement. The diaspora has condemned undue pressures on Ethiopia in a strong spirit of gallantry.

Conspiring with external enemies of Ethiopia, the terrorist TPLF group committed horrendous crimes against civilians. To fulfill its evil mission, the terrorist TPLF made allegiance with historical enemies of Ethiopia and committed horrendous crimes against innocent civilians in areas of Amhara and Afar states it had invaded, he added.

However, Ethiopia has overcome the multifaceted challenges brewed by its internal and external enemies with the concerted efforts of its children including the Diaspora community and has continued its journey to the brighter future. The struggle carried out by the Ethiopian Diaspora community has added impetus to the international Pan-Africanism movement.

“We feel proud of the Diaspora community for its outstanding contribution for the wellbeing of Ethiopia. Ethiopians at home have also been struggling with strong feeling of patriotism to preserve sovereignty of the nation,” he noted.

The National Defense Forces and States’ Security Forces bravely shattered the aggression of the terrorist organization.

He also urged the Diaspora Community and all Ethiopians at large to support the rehabilitation of people affected by the terrorist TPLF aggression.

Mayor of Addis Ababa City, Adanech Abiebie, for her part appreciated the Diaspora community for responding to call made by Prime Minister for the Great Ethiopian Home Coming challenge.

She appreciated members of the Diaspora Community for their unreserved commitment in fending off pressures, false accusations and media campaign orchestrated by external forces against Ethiopia.

“We, Ethiopians have stood united more than ever before and expressed our patriotism practically to defend sovereignty of our country,” she said.

The Mayor called the Diaspora community to buy Ethiopian products and assist the economy and promote image the nation to the world as well.

Ayizak Abraham is one of the Diaspora communities who came to Ethiopia from USA Washington DC respecting a call made by the government.

“I came home after 40 years in America, I am really pleased to be here and enjoying this moment, and hope many will enjoy it. While we were abroad, the newscasts disseminated about Ethiopia including the travel alerts were very distressing and terrifying.

The West media houses are spreading fabricated news to the world as Ethiopia is in the brink of civil war and disintegration which is entirely contrary to the reality on the ground. I am here in Addis Ababa and have witnessed the reality. Ethiopia is stable and peaceful, and anyone willing to visit the country, can come. For sure he/she will enjoy it,” he said.

Ethiopian Diasporas are returning home in huge numbers not only to celebrate the Ethiopian Christmas and Epiphany; rather to give a response to the call made by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.

Mentioning the unwavering struggle the Diasporas in USA have exerted, he said: “we have been opposing the interferences of West, some international media houses’ deliberate fake news campaign against Ethiopia and demonstrating our position to the US and some European nations.”

“We, the Diaspora community, have crushed the ill intention of Ethiopia’s foes and pleased its friends at this testing time.”

“Since I have arrived in the country, I have confirmed that all the doom news framing about Addis Ababa and Ethiopia is white lies. Ethiopia is stable and peaceful as always.”

Yohannes, came from California, USA. He said even though the western media outlets are portraying Ethiopia as a risky place, we have seen that Ethiopia is very safe.

She also said that the Ethiopian community in California is actively supporting the people who are currently displaced from their villages. She also vowed to sustain their support until the matter is fully solved.

Habte Reta, a resident of Dallas, on his part said that currently many Ethiopians are sacrificing their lives to defend and honor their country. The call made to us is just simple- to buy tickets and return home for the Christmas festival, which is easy when compared to what the people are doing there.

Asegedech Desyalew, a resident of the Midwestern State of Minnesota expressed her cheerfulness for returning home. She further said that Ethiopian and Ethiopian Americans in the US were closely watching Ethiopia’s affairs, adding that they are here to support the country in any way possible.

In his message designed to welcome Ethiopian origins, and friends of Ethiopia responding to his call, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said: “A nation can be symbolized with an extended family. Strengthen of foundation of a family is identified during trying season rather than jovial times. Tribulation helps members of some families to form bond while it forces others to fall apart.”

Many countries benefited in political, economic and diplomacy sectors from the strong linkage they created with their Diaspora abroad. South Korea, India, China and Mexico have undertaken exemplary works in this regard, he further underscored.

He also urged members of the Diaspora community who have returned home to visit impacted areas and support Ethiopians who have been affected by the terrorist TPLF aggression, and investigate the extent of the atrocities committed by the terrorist group and expose them to the rest of the world upon their return to the countries where they live.

“This is the time when Ethiopia is tested a lot as a nation. Ethiopia’s enemies have left no stone unturned in order to agitate her. But, Ethiopia thrives with the collaboration between her daughters and sons. Tribulations have made unity of its children stronger and stronger. The troubles have enabled Ethiopia to leverage its resources,” the Prime Minister underlined.

Ethiopian Homecoming Challenge is an initiative forwarded by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed calling one million Ethiopians, Ethiopian origins, and friends of Ethiopia to come to Ethiopia following the Gregorian New Year.

The call was made to debunk the undue pressure exerted on Ethiopia; to defy interference and show solidarity of Ethiopians on national issues.



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