Ethiopia: A truly unique country

Phoenix is an object of praise by men since the beginning of civilization. The magnificent animal is found in Persian, Egyptian, Greco-Roman and Jewish mythology among others. The phoenix is a bird with red and yellow feathers, usually depicted as a bird of superiority, but can also be seen as a flaming peacock. The bird is a powerful animal. Even though it is portrayed as having the size of an eagle, the creature could fly even with elephants in its claw.

According to mythology, its tears were another power of this animal, since they had the ability to heal any wounded illness. The phoenix could also cover its body with fire. So, when it flew in flames of the day, some perceived its brightness as being the sun itself. But, the main reason for such praise for this animal is its immorality. Some sources suggest that this bird lives nine times longer than a crow, something around 500 years.

When the bird realized its end was there, it would make a nest of cinnamon, sage and myrrh and burned itself, leaving only ashes behind. From a pile of ashes a new Phoenix was born, one that gathered the remains of the bird that preceded it, placed them in an egg of myrrh, which was taken to Egypt, to the city of Eliopoulos, and placed on the altar of the sun. Its ashes could bring the dead back to life.

The phonies’ myth of immorality was so powerful that the young and eccentric Roman Emperor Elagabalus wanted to eat Phoenix to become immortal. His servants looked for the animal and could not find anything. To avoid coming back empty-handed, they served the Emperor with a bird from paradise. Nonetheless, the meat of the bird from paradise does not provide the power of immorality. Taking into account that, the ruler was killed by the Praetorian guard only two years after eating the delicacy.

The myth of the phoenix may have weakened in terms of importance during some periods of our history. But, like the mythological bird, its symbolism has always managed to be renewed. The phoenix is up to this day a universal symbol of rebirth and the beginning of a new cycle.

The mythology of phoenix may be a myth, but it has something in common with Ethiopian greatness. Lately, a group of young artists have exhibited their works at Alem Art Gallery. One of the young and talented artists has represented Ethiopia through Phoenix.

Mekdem Mulugeta, the young painter, in his artistically made painting has portrayed and represented the power, glory and sustainability of Ethiopia through the unique bird-phoenix.

According to him, Ethiopia and this bird have lots of things in common. The current political instability together with Ethiopia’s new rebirth out of the ashes has something to share with the bird.

The immortal nature of the bird is one area Ethiopia resembles with the Phoenix. This is witnessed several times in the history of the country. There were times where Ethiopia`s sustainability was under question and its enemies had been propagating its fall. The recent conspiracy of the West, their media and the attempt of the terrorist TPLF enterprise to ruin the nation are good indications. Almost all anti-Ethiopian elements have already concluded that Ethiopia will disintegrate and fall apart for once and for all. However, to their surprise, Ethiopia has risen as the Phoenix bird came out of the ashes of its ancestors.

The past history of the nation is full of such experiences. When foreign invaders attempt to erode Ethiopia`s pride, and glory, the true sons and daughters have sacrificed their blood and have delivered a new Ethiopia. As the Phoenix burned itself and left an ash behind, the great Ethiopians had been sacrificing their lives (and are still sacrificing) so as to defend the country and hand over a peaceful and respected Ethiopia to the next generation. Their ashes have served as a new beginning from the end.

As the tears of the bird represent a medicine to a wounded part, the blood of heroic Ethiopians and the cry of those Ethiopian mothers serve as a medicine to keep the land safe from destruction and chaos. This is what is happening now. Despite the pressure from the outside forces as well as inside enemies, Ethiopians are sacrificing their interest for the sake of peace. Mothers and religious people are crying day and night to their deity to heal the wounded hearts of the afflicted ones.

As to the Artist, covering its body with fire is another similarity with Ethiopia. Whenever there is fire around that unique bird, nothing can hurt it. It is well protected. This also has a clear similarity with Ethiopia. As a land of heroes and heroines, Ethiopia is always guarded by the flames of its children. Whoever needs a peaceful relationship with the land, its children are always willing and happy to share what they have. However, whoever tries to jeopardize the peace and stability of the nation, its children are like a consuming fire that would not spare a single soul.

According to Mekdem, there are lots of things Ethiopia and the bird Phoenix shares in common. Despite the fact that the story of the bird is a mythology, Ethiopia is a living legend that kept its place. No matter how hard anti-Ethiopian elements have tried to demoralize Ethiopians, the country remains strong. It has kept its momentum. All the blood sacrificed by Ethiopian children and commitment of the government for peace is a true indication of our true nature. With all the differences, with all the challenges, Ethiopia will keep on flying high and become an immortal country.



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